[1.21] Paper Money icon

[1.21] Paper Money -----

Physical money for roleplay servers.

HEAD NOTE: This plugin works but is currently just a very small project. If it catches reasonable attention I will work to improve it but as of now it is and will remain a small project with fairly basic features. This plugin is no longer a small project used by only a few. For something I thought was so basic and silly, it has grown quite sizeable. It's kinda crazy. Glad you guys enjoy it. Still not gonna make the plugin page look fancy though still too lazy for that lol look at the thumbnail for it.

Purpose: Turn digital currency into physical paper money which can be traded between players.


Feature List:
  • [Initial Release] Paper with text specifying money which can be withdrawn/deposited
  • [Unknown Update] Added optional holograms which float over the paper
  • [1.18.1.b.1] Added item customization. Now users aren't stuck with only a piece of paper. They can specify an item how they want and custommodeldata is supported for custom texturing.
  • [1.18.1.b.1] Added message customization. Make the plugin your own or change it to a non-English default language.
  • [1.18.1.b.3] Added toggleable right click deposit. This allows for more immersive physical only currency.
  • [1.18.1.b.4] Added papermoney splitting.
    Paper splitting is done via "/pmoney split (amount) (amount) (amount)..." where you can type any number of amounts and assuming the money in your hand is worth enough, it will be broken down into those amounts.
  • [1.18.1.b.4] Added papermoney combining.
    Paper combining is done by putting papermoney in your offhand. Then hold papermoney in your main hand. Push "F" to move it to your offhand. This "combines" the bills into your offhand. Feel free to scroll through as many bills as you want to combine spamming F. Then when you're done, just take the combined bill out of your offhand.
  • [1.18.1.b.4] Added decimal place configuration support.
  • [1.18.1.b.6] Spigot dropped item merges now update the hologram to correctly show the value of the full merged stack.
  • [1.18.1.b.6] Holograms now show accurate text using the decimal place configuration.
  • [1.18.1.b.9] DecentHolograms support.
  • [1.18.2.a.3] PlaceholderAPI support.
  • [1.18.2.a.5] "/pmoney make (amount) (playerName)" added w/ allowance for server rather than player usage. Good for shops, kits, etc.
  • "papermoney.take" - /pmoney take (amount) - Turns money from your bank into a note.
  • "papermoney.make" - /pmoney make (amount) - Makes a note with a certain value for free.
  • "papermoney.take.others" - /pmoney take (amount) (playername) - Turns money from another's bank into a note.
  • "papermoney.make.others" - /pmoney make (amount) (playername) - Makes a note with a certain value for free.
  • "papermoney.reload" - /pmoney reload - Reload configs and messages.
  • "papermoney.split" - /pmoney split (amount) (amount) (amount)... - Splits papermoney in hand into smaller amounts.
Config Example(s):
Code (Text):

#                    PaperMoney Config                   #
Prefix: "&b(&lPaperMoney&r&b)&r"

Enable_Money_Splitting: false
#Set this to true to allow players to turn larger bills into smaller bills
#Enable this with care and don't say I didn't warn you.
#As added precaution, players also need the permission for splitting found
#    in the permission section below.

Min_Amount: 1
#This is used so players can't make paper money worth $0 and duplicate paper.

Maximum_Decimal_Places: 2
#This is to how many places past the decimal point currency can go
# $19.999 for example would be 3. Most real life currency doesn't go this far.
# $19.99 would be 2. This is where most real life currency goes.
# $19.9 would be 1. This is shorter than real life currency
# $1 would be 0. This limits money to whole numbers.

Use_Holograms_If_Possible: true
#Self explanatory

Sound: "NONE"
#Sounds can be found at
#Caps matter

Disable_Right_Click_Deposit: false
#If this is set to true, paper notes are permanently kept in item form
#Use this if you want a TRULY immersive experience.
#I can't tell you how to handle distribution, that's on you.

 id: PAPER
 amount: 1
#id - Case sensitive material name. Not optional to include.
#amount - This is the size of the item stack. Optional.
#enchantments - Format is 'ENCHANTMENT:LEVEL'. Optional.
#- arrowdamage
#- arrowfire
#- arrowinfinite
#- arrowknockback
#- damage
#- digspeed
#- durability
#- fireaspect
#- knockback
#- lootbonusblock
#- lootbonusmob
#- luck
#- protectionfall
#- protectionfire
#- silktouch
#effects - Format is 'EFFECT:LEVEL:TIME (seconds)'.This is the effects that a player will receive upon eating a certain food. Must follow multiple line structure. Optional.
#        - Effect names can be found at
#        - https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html
#tags - Used to make some custom item attributes. All these are optional.
#- vanilladurability:DURABILITY
#- custommodeldata:SevenDigitNumber

Item_Name: "&a$&6%pm_bill_worth%"
  - "&rA PaperMoney note."
# %pm_bill_worth% --> The amount that a bill is worth
# %pm_player_money% --> Player's money
# %pm_player_name% --> Player's name

#                       Permission                       #

# papermoney.make
#Allows players to run the /pmoney make command.

# papermoney.take
#Allows players to run the /pmoney take command.

# papermoney.take.others
#Allows players to run the /pmoney take (playerName) command.

# papermoney.reload
#Allows players to run the /pmoney reload command

# papermoney.split
#Allows players to run the /pmoney split command

#                        Version                         #

#Do not touch this. No touchy.
Code (Text):

Prefix: "&b[&lPM&r&b]&r"
Help: "&r&7"

PMoney_Make_Explain: "%pm_prefix%/pmoney make (amount) %pm_help%- Makes a note with a certain value."
PMoney_Take_Explain: "%pm_prefix%/pmoney take (amount) %pm_help%- Turns money from your bank into a note."
PMoney_TakeFromAnother_Explain: "%pm_prefix%/pmoney take (amount) (playerName) %pm_help%- Turns money from another's bank into a note."
PMoney_Reload_Explain: "%pm_prefix%/pmoney reload %pm_help%- Reloads configs."
PMoney_Missing_Permissions: "%pm_prefix%You don't have the perms!"
PMoney_Split_Explain: "%pm_prefix%/pmoney split (amount) (amount) (amount)... %pm_help%- Turns a single note into smaller notes."
PMoney_Split_NonNumeric: "%pm_prefix%That is not a number. Please enter a number."
PMoney_Split_NotPaperMoney: "%pm_prefix%You must have PaperMoney in your main hand!"
PMoney_Split_BiggerValue: "%pm_prefix%The money in your hand isn't worth that much!"
PMoney_Split_MissingInv: "%pm_prefix%You are trying to split into more money than you can hold!"

PMoney_Player_Command_Title: "%pm_prefix%Commands:"
PMoney_Staff_Command_Title: "%pm_prefix%Staff Commands:"

PMoney_Not_Enough_Money_Warning: "%pm_prefix%&r&cYou don't have that much money!"
PMoney_AnotherNot_Enough_Money_Warning: "%pm_prefix%&r&cThey don't have that much money!"
PMoney_Full_Inventory_Warning: "%pm_prefix%Your inventory is full."
PMoney_Value_Must_Meet_Minimum_Warning: "%pm_prefix%You must use a value greater or equal to %pm_minimum%"
PMoney_Player_Offline_Warning: "%pm_prefix%That player is not currently online."

PMoney_Deposited: "%pm_prefix%$%pm_bill_worth% was deposited into your bank."

Item Configuration :
amount: 1
name: "Dirt"
- "Lore Line 1"
- "Lore Line 2"
- UPDATED ENCHANTMENT LIST FOUND @ https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html
- "aquaaffinity:1"
- "baneofarthropods:1"
- "blastprotection:1"
- "channeling:1"
- "cleaving:1"
- "curseofbinding:1"
- "curseofvanishing:1"
- "depthstrider:1"
- "efficiency:1"
- "featherfalling:1"
- "fireaspect:1"
- "fireprotection:1"
- "flame:1"
- "fortune:1"
- "frostwalker:1"
- "impaling:1"
- "infinity:1"
- "knockback:1"
- "looting:1"
- "loyalty:1"
- "luckofthesea:1"
- "lure:1"
- "mending:1"
- "multishot:1"
- "piercing:1"
- "power:1"
- "projectileprotection:1"
- "protection:1"
- "punch:1"
- "quickcharge:1"
- "respiration:1"
- "riptide:1"
- "sharpness:1"
- "silktouch:1"
- "smite:1"
- "soulspeed:1"
- "sweepingedge:1"
- "swiftsneak:1"
- "thorns:1"
- "unbreaking:1"
- "windburst:1"
- "textureskull:SKINVALUE"
- "playerskull:\PLAYERNAME"
- "vanilladurability:256"
- "unbreakable:true"
- "custommodeldata:1234567"
- "enchantglow:true"
- ATTRIBUTE NAMES FOUND @ https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/Attribute.html
- ATTRIBUTE OPERATIONS FOUND @ https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/attribute/AttributeModifier.Operation.html
- ATTRIBUTE SLOTS FOUND @ https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/inventory/EquipmentSlot.html
- "namespace:key:value"

Donations: Support me (a college student) @
_- https://paypal.me/AaronSkeels -_​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44,452
First Release: Jun 17, 2017
Last Update: Sep 22, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
31 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings