✦ Eggwars/Bedwars X ✦ [Solo, Teams, Kits, Leaderboards, Mysterybox, Parties] icon

✦ Eggwars/Bedwars X ✦ [Solo, Teams, Kits, Leaderboards, Mysterybox, Parties] -----

Best Eggwars/Bedwars plugin out there! Tons of cool features that you don't want to miss!


The ultimate fun game! Create parties and join teams along with your friends and protect your core with your life! Upgradeable generators will give you the materials needed to buy all the good gear and needed items for survival from the villagers around the map. Attack other islands and destroy their core to prevent them from respawning and eliminate their team! Gather coins through winning and unlocking achievements and buy new kits, cages, and trails through the shop or the mystery box!


Before you get into the features and get all excited, please read the following.
  • Please read the FULL page before purchasing. This is so that you don't purchase the plugin, and regret doing so because of a missing feature, or because you misunderstood what the plugin has to offer
  • The reviews section is NOT the place to be asking for help. When you are in need of help, please use the discussion area, or send me a private message.
  • Purchasing this plugin means that you agree to the plugin agreement found at the bottom of the page!


- Fully independent
- Multi-Arena, and arenas can be solo, duo, quads, or any size!
- FastAsyncWorldEdit support! Arenas can instantly restore
- Bungee-Mode support! The plugin can run along with other plugins, such as factions or survivalgames, But it can also dedicate the server to itself and force players to join the lobby of the game as soon as they join the server!
- Gun support via CrackShot and QualityArmory support!
- Abilities! give your players a unique experience with awesome special abilities!
- Built-in world manager, you can create, delete, import, backup, restore, tp, setspawn, list, worlds without needing Multiverse installed.
- You can change the core block type to anything such as DRAGON_EGG or BED_BLOCK
- Join signs, Auto join signs, Leave signs, Leaderboard signs!
- Create leaderboards for many stats! kills, coins, deaths, wins, and more! You can also display a skull above the signs
- Kits! You can create kits with any items you want
- Trails! Creates trails that follow projectiles launched by players
- Cages! You can create your own cages
- Awesome shop where you can sell kits, cages, and trails
- Parties! All done through a gui, You can create a party and invite players
- Achievements! customize the requirements and awards of the achievement, and view the achievements in a cool scrollable gui
- A mystery box with a cool unlocking animation!
- Awesome customizable scoreboards
- Clickable chat messages! like 'Play again message that players can click to directly join and play another match
- Spectators! Once players die they become spectators and watch the game, spectators can teleport to players and view their inventory, and can instantly join new games
- Voting! You can vote for Weather, Health, and Shop items
- Boosters! Created limited boosters such as x2, x3...
- You can make any block in the arena a generator, and you can make it generate any item in the game, at any speed you like.
- Generators can be upgraded to generate items faster
- Broken generators! you can mark some generators as broken and set the required item to activate them
- You can customize the items that the villager shop sells, and create/delete categories as you like. you can also create different villager shops that people can vote for.
- Special items! Items that have special effects on use, such as a Teleporter that takes you back to your spawnpoint and a player tracker and a bridge builder and more!
- Deathmatch! Where if the time reaches a certain amount, all cores will automatically be destroyed
- HEX color support
- Killstreaks!
- Autojoin that will put the players in the best available arena
- Highly customizable
- Amazing rollback system that rollbacks arenas effectively and quickly with little to no lag
- Supports UUID and Regular Names
- Built in coins system, but it can also use vault economy
- A fireworks ending, and you can also give the winners a map and display a custom image on it, and chat will also display the top killers
- You can separate chat!
- You can have holographic timers above the generators
- You can display generator signs and images!
- Generators can be automatically upgraded at certain times
- 20 Default kit, 22 Default trail, 46 Default achievement
- MySQL Support and normal files support
- Ranks! players earn exp and rank up until they reach the maximum rank which is configurable
- Titles and Action Bar support
- PlaceholderAPI & MVdWPlaceholderAPI Support!
- Holograms support! you can make holographic stats and a holographic leaderboard through HolographicDisplays or DecentHolograms (both are supported)

- You can spawn mobs that target your enemies or protect your base, and you can also equip them with armor and weapons
- Players can not break arena blocks, and can not place blocks next to villagers and spawners.
- A profile gui where you can see all of your stats and your unlocked kits and trails and achievements
- Lobby countdown shortening system! If the arena has a certain number of players the timer will be shortened to begin faster
- You can show the health of the target when hitting it with a bow
- A warning system to prevent spectators from affecting the game
- Join the arenas through a sign or a gui that shows a list of arenas with some information about them
- Armor auto equip
- A customizable limit for how many times a player can kill the same player in the same match to prevent farming kills
- You can spectate active games!
- A team selector tool to join a specific team
- Enderchests are shared between team members
- The plugin contains a broadcaster system that announces certain messages every x seconds
- Set the coins/exp modifier of players to any number you want
- You can shift click in the villager shop to spend all the materials you have (Quick purchase of large quantities)
- You can send messages to party members only by starting your message with an exclamation mark
- Command aliases!
- Players can not break blocks below team mates
- Lightweight cooldown system
- Edit arenas on the fly!
- You can sell kits and trails that you no longer need
- You can create permissions that allow players to have more slots per party
- You can customize the commands executed on players when the arena starts or when players win
- You can have an animated scoreboard title
- API and Events to allow other developers to make addons!
- An update checker to keep you alert inside your game!
- Lightweight on the server
- Smooth, well designed, and created to be able to handle large amount of players
- Im wondering if you are still reading... but im sure you get the point eh? The plugin cotains features upon features!


Here, you can see the files generated by the plugin. You can see exactly what can be changed in the config

Kits.yml (Showing only 2 kits)
Cages.yml (Showing only 2 cages)
Trails.yml (Showing only 2 trails)
Achievements.yml (Showing only a few achievements)
Arena-Settings.yml (Per arena)

Pre-made translations of files into different languages

You can of course translate the files on your own, but here are some pre-made translations done by the community.
Please note that these translations are made by users and not by me. You should check these files using a yaml parser before installing them on the server as they might have some errors.



Format: /Command -> Permission -> Description
  • /Eggwars | /ew -> None -> Shows a list of commands
  • /Eggwars join -> None -> Puts you in the game lobby
  • /Eggwars leave -> None -> Removes you from the game!
  • /Eggwars autojoin -> None -> Puts you in the best available arena
  • /Eggwars list -> None -> Shows a list of arenas and other information
  • /Eggwars admin -> eggwars.admin -> Shows a list of admin commands
  • /Eggwars setlobby -> eggwars.setlobby -> Sets the lobby location
  • /Eggwars wand -> eggwars.wand -> Gives you a selection wand
  • /Eggwars create -> eggwars.create -> Creates a new arena
  • /Eggwars delete -> eggwars.delete -> Deletes an existing arena
  • /Eggwars setteamspawn -> eggwars.setteamspawn -> Sets a team spawn
  • /Eggwars removeteamspawn -> eggwars.removeteamspawn -> Removes a team spawn
  • /Eggwars setteamegg -> eggwars.setteamegg -> Sets a team egg
  • /Eggwars removeteamegg -> eggwars.removeteamegg -> Removes a team egg
  • /Eggwars addspawner -> eggwars.addspawner -> Adds a spawner to the arena
  • /Eggwars removespawner -> eggwars.removespawner -> Removes a spawner from the arena
  • /Eggwars addvillager -> eggwars.addvillager -> Adds a villager to the arena
  • /Eggwars removevillager -> eggwars.removevillager -> Removes a villger from the arena!
  • /Eggwars setspectators -> eggwars.setspectators -> Sets the location that spectators teleport to
  • /Eggwars updateregion -> eggwars.updateregion -> Updates an arena region!
  • /Eggwars worldmanager / wm -> eggwars.worldmanager -> shows a list of world management commands!
  • /Eggwars start -> eggwars.start -> Force an arena to start
  • /Eggwars stop -> eggwars.stop -> Force an arena to stop
  • /Eggwars coins -> eggwars.coins -> Modifies a player coins
  • /Eggwars addbooster -> eggwars.boosters -> Creates a new coin&exp booster!
  • /Eggwars inventory -> eggwars.inventory -> Modifies a player eggwars inventory
  • /Eggwars setmodifier -> eggwars.setmodifier -> Changes a player modifier
  • /Eggwars holograms -> eggwars.holograms -> Manages holographic features
  • /Eggwars reset -> eggwars.reset -> Resets a player stats!
  • /Eggwars edit -> eggwars.edit -> Allows arena modifications
  • /Eggwars editmode -> eggwars.editmode -> Allows the user to modify surroundings in bungeemode
  • /Eggwars reload -> eggwars.reload -> Reloads the plugin



You first want to set the lobby location by doing /ew setlobby
so that when players do /ew join they will be teleported there
now you should create some arenas

Assuming that you do not have multiverse, and your map is not loaded, you could use the command /ew worldmanager import <Map> and then teleport to it with /ew worldmanager tp <Map>

start by using /ew wand and use the tool given to select the 2 corners surrounding your map.
Once you have selected the 2 corners, create the arena using /ew create <name> <team size> <min teams>
This will create a new arena with your defined name.
Team size is the amount of players per team, if it was set to 1 then the arena is basically solo
Min teams is the minimum amount of teams required for the game to start the countdown.

Once the creation process is over, you can now start adding teams, and to do that you have to set the team spawnpoint and egg location. Go to the team island and set the spawnpoint with /ew setteamspawn <Arena> <Team Color>, Team color is the color of the team, and can only be one of the chat colors, such as blue, red, yellow, light_purple, aqua, green....
and to set the team egg, you have to look at the egg and do the command /ew setteamegg <Arena> <Team Color>, once these 2 steps are done, the team will be registered.

Now you need to mark the generators. look at the block that you want to mark as a generator and use the command /ew addspawner <Arena> <Material> <Speed in ticks> <Broken>
The material is the item that will be spawned, such as IRON_INGOT, EMERALD, DIAMOND, and it can be anything really, even GRASS
Speed in ticks is how frequently this generator will spawn an item, 10 ticks is 0.5 seconds, while 40 ticks is 2 seconds (1 second = 20 ticks)
Broken is a true or false value that indicates whether a generator works by default or needs to be fixed by players, if it is false that means it is not broken and works by default

* It is recommended that before you add the generators and set their speeds that you check the villager_shop.yml. The generators should link well with the villager shop, what i mean by this is that for example, if the IRON_INGOT generators are very fast, that means that iron_ingot is a common item and should not award high end items. while a generator that is slow for example 600 ticks, should provide decent items in the villager shop

You also want to add the villagers, which can be done with a simple /ew addvillager <Arena>, these villagers act as shops

* If you have made any changes to the arena blocks after creating it, you should update it with /ew updateregion <Arena> and it will probably ask you to set the 2 corners again.

* You can set the location that spectators teleport to, but this step is not necessary. To set the location you use the command /ew setspectators <Arena>

Lastly, you need to set the lobby location of the arena where players will wait and vote for stuff until the arena starts, this can be easily done with /ew setlobby <Arena>

After you are finished you can use /ew edit <Arena> to enable the arena and change some other settings.

If you want to use FastAsyncWorldEdit rollback (Recommended!) then,
make sure that FAWE is installed on your server and is running correctly, and make sure that Use-FastAsyncWorldEdit-When-Possible is set to true in config.yml in Eggwars X. You should a message that says 'Detected FAWE, it will be used when possible' in console when the Eggwars plugin loads up, if not then try restarting or reloading
Then, for existing arenas, you have to select their region using EW WAND and simply write EW UPDATEREGION <Arena>. This will update the region as usual but if everything is setup correctly, it will also create a schematic of the arena and use it to rollback.
For newly created arenas, this will automatically be done (A schematic will be made if possible and used to rollback)

Bungee mode setup! for this all you have to do is the same steps as before, you should make some maps and when you think that you have enough, go to config.yml and enable bungeemode. This plugin will only be on your game server and NOT in your hub server, if you want to join through signs from your hub server, then you need to have a plugin such as TeleportSigns in your hub.
If you have only 1 arena in the server and enabled bungee mode then players will directly join that arena, but if you have multiple arenas, they will be put into the regular lobby where they can select what arena they want to play!

For the villager shop, if you have Villager-Shop-Type set to Separate-Inventory in config.yml, then use villager_shop.yml to modify the shop
If you set Villager-Shop-Type to Single-Inventory, then use single_villager_shop.yml

If you want to display generator signs or images, you need to put an item frame on top of the generator block or around it. The same thing goes for signs.
Remember, if you add these signs/item frames after your map is created, you have to update the arena region again.
To create Eggwars signs, the first line has to be [EW]

To create join signs for the lobby, second line has to be 'join'

To create join signs for arenas, second line has to be 'join'
while the third line must define the arena name

To create leave signs, second line has to be 'leave'

To create autojoin signs, second line has to be 'autojoin'
In this type of signs, you can leave the third line empty, or you can specify 'Solo' or 'Team'

To create leaderboard signs, second line has to be 'top' while the third line must define the stat that you want the plugin to order players stats by. and fourth line is the rank you are looking for!

This will display the top killer!
for a list of stats that you can use, simply keep the third line empty and the plugin will show you a list.

You can also add a skull above the sign, and when the leaderboard updates, the skull will display players skins


Thanks to @uberstudioshd for this awesome English tutorial!




The servers below have this plugin installed! If you want to add your server here, you should make a nice review with a request to add your server ip.

- Play.Minecraft-Romania.Xyz
- jogar.craftsgp.net
- mc.frostrealms.com
- Fancycraft.cc
- dekolp.net
- play.netronixmc.com
- eggwarsmc.serverminer.com
- jelp7.mcalias.com


Important to read!

Default configurations are provided as a gift. If you do not like them change them to the way you like.

Using the Item Frames feature (Displaying images on generators) can be an expensive feature in terms of performance.

If you want to have special abilities, you need to install my abilities addon

Any plugin that prevents teleporting while in combat or uses scoreboard features such as teams and prefixes may conflict with Eggwars

Using MySQL is highly recommended as it increases the performance and protects you from some issues

If you want Action bar features on 1.8 servers you need to install TitleManager

If you want any holographic feature, you will need to install HolographicDisplays

If you want to use the Holographic Stats feature, you will need to install HolographicDisplays along ProtocolLib

There are some extra permissions!
eggwars.admin to view admin commands and receive update notifications
eggwars.createsigns to create eggwars signs
eggwars.breaksigns to break eggwars signs
eggwars.unblockcmds to be able to use commands while in game
eggwars.vote.health to be able to vote for health
eggwars.vote.items to able to vote for the shop items
eggwars.vote.time to able to vote for the arena time

If vault is enabled in the config, Leaderboards will not show 'Coins' as the player vault money, and instead it will still display the player coins

Massive thank you to CroNexusGamer for providing me with some ideas and creating the default villager shop as well as some of the artwork

Massive thank you to Il_Picasso from mc.comugamers.com
for providing me a great testing server!

Ask about any concern in the discussion area or in a private message before purchasing.

Before posting a negative review, please ask for help!


For internal lobby scoreboard, you can use these placeholders:
%kills%, %coins%, %deaths%, %wins%, %projectiles_launched%, %projectiles_hit%, %player_exp%, %player_rank%, %blocks_placed%, %blocks_broken%, %eggs_broken%, %arena%, %selected_kit%, %selected_trail%

The placeholders mentioned below are for PlaceholderAPI, if you want to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI placeholders then use the same placeholders below but replace the first % with { and replace the last % with }


Not player specific placeholders:
%eggwars_player_count% - Gives the total amount of players in eggwars
%eggwars_parties_count% - Gives the total amount of parties created
%eggwars_lobby_players_count% Gives the total amount of players in the lobby
%eggwars_arenas_count% Gives the total amount of arenas created
%eggwars_kits_count% Gives the total amount of kits created
%eggwars_trails_count% Gives the total amount of trails created
%eggwars_arena_status_<arenaName>% which returns the status of the arena name specified
%eggwars_bungee_arena_status% which returns the status of the arena if the server is in bungee mode and there is only 1 arena
%eggwars_arena_players_<arena>% returns the number of players in an arena
%eggwars_arena_max_players_<arena>% returns the max amount of players in an arena

Player specific placeholders:
%eggwars_kills%, %eggwars_coins%, %eggwars_deaths%, %eggwars_wins%, %eggwars_modifier%, %eggwars_projectiles_launched%, %eggwars_projectiles_hit%, %eggwars_player_exp%, %eggwars_player_rank%, %eggwars_blocks_placed%, %eggwars_blocks_broken%, %eggwars_eggs_broken%, %eggwars_arena%, %eggwars_party_leader%, %eggwars_selected_kit%, %eggwars_selected_trail%, %eggwars_team_colorcode%

You can access the api with -> EggwarsAPI class
- EggwarsAPI.getPlayerData(Player p); -> returns the player playerdata which holds all of his stats (Everything can be modified)
- EggwarsAPI.isInArena(Player p);
- EggwarsAPI.isSpectating(Player p);
- EggwarsAPI.isPlaying(Player p);
- EggwarsAPI.getTeam(Player p); //Returns a scoreboard team
- EggwarsAPI.getArenaName(Player p);
- EggwarsAPI.getTeams(String arenaName); //Returns a list of all the registered teams
- EggwarsAPI.translateChatColorToColor(ChatColor cc); //Returns a color that hold the rgb values (Which can be used to dye leather armor)
- EggwarsAPI.getItemStack(String itemString, boolean amount, boolean extras); //Used to read the plugin item format which is 'ITEM :DURABILITY : AMOUNT : EXTRAS' if the item string contains an amount then the boolean should be true, if the item string contains enchantments and what not then the extras boolean should be true
- EggwarsAPI.getItemStackString(ItemStack item); //Returns a string that can be read by the getItemStack() method

Now for the methods that are a little more complicated

Code (Text):

    //Getting top players
    //First you have to load all players data, this should be Async

    try {
    HashMap<String, String> playersData = EggwarsAPI.getAllPlayersData();

    //You can now get top players out of the playersData, ordered by a specfic stat
    //If the third argument (int) is bigger than the amount of entries in the playersData hashmap, it will be filled with 'NO_PLAYER'

    List<Entry<String, Integer>> top = EggwarsAPI.getTopPlayers(playersData, Stat.KILLS, 10);

    //Top now contains the top 10 players, ordered by their kills stat
    //Entry key is the player name, and the entry value is their score

    for(int i = 0; i < top.size(); i++){
    Bukkit.broadcastMessage("# " + (i+1) + " is " + top.get(i).getKey() + " with a score of " + top.get(i).getValue());

    } catch (SQLException e){

    //If you want to modify offline players stats, then you have to use a different method, because you can't use the PlayerData class on offline players
    //The following method returns true if the stat was updated, and it returns false if the player name wasn't found or the stat wasn't updated for some reason
    //The boolean at the end 'increment' is whether you want to SET their stat to the give value, or you want to add it up

    try {
    boolean updated = EggwarsAPI.modifyOfflinePlayerStat("Wazup92", Stat.COINS, 50, true);
    } catch (SQLException e){



- EWArenaStartEvent
- EWArenaStopEvent
- EWArenaFinishEvent
- EWPlayerJoinArenaEvent
- EWPlayerLeaveArenaEvent
- EWPlayerDeathEvent
- EWPlayerFinalDeathEvent
- EWPlayerRespawnEvent



Why is my holographic stats colliding with other players holographic stats?

Because you don't have ProtocolLib installed

Signs are being created, yet they are not clickable!

I have received so many reports about this issue and the fix is one of the 3
1 - It's probably your spawn-protection which is found in the server properties, try setting the value to 0
2 - It also might be because you have set the colors to BLACK in the signs section in customization, but signs text is already black so there is no point in adding a &0, so remove these
3 - Might be a conflict with other plugins, it is recommended if none of the above fixed your issue that you try testing the plugin by it self, if you still can not figure it out then feel free to contact me!

Arenas are not starting on my 1.9+ server!

There are two possibilities for this one.
1 - You haven't setup the min teams and team size correctly for your arena
2 - You have a conflict between plugins. Some plugins such as this one uses teams related feature which causes a problem with registering teams on Eggwars. Prefix plugins and colored tags also might conflict. but some of these plugins offer a solution on their end.

If you think you have setup correctly the min teams and team size for your arena. than you should consider testing Eggwars by it self. So remove all other plugins and start adding them one by one to detect which one is causing the issue. If you are still unable to do so. You should then contact me

Monster eggs say Invalid Entity!

You have to the name the Monster egg with the mob name that you want to spawn, so for example to spawn a Zombie your egg must be named Zombie.

Is this plugin a one game per server?

It can be used as a one-game per server If you enable bungee mode and have 1 arena installed. Then the plugin will set the server MOTD to the arena status and send players back to hub when arena finishes and restart the server.

Villagers are not spawning!

Make sure you can spawn mobs in that world, could be a gamerule or a plugin preventing the villagers from spawning


Alright so you are having some issues with the performance. Well. For one thing. You should not have ANY extra plugins. such as Backup worlds plugin or Auto save and all that kind of stuff. You should also enable timings. You could also lower down some settings. such as the Repair speed. and also you can turn off some cool features such as Animated titles or Holographic stats. As these 2 are resource intensive as well as some other features. Overall the plugin gives you so much control. You can change a lot of things to make it suitable for your server. But usually based on the cases that I have seen. it was literally always caused by other unneeded plugin. If you think you have done all that you could and you are still struggling. then please feel free to contact me. But as far as I know. the plugin performance is great!

Check out my other projects as well!

[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
[​IMG] [​IMG]


- If you own 3 or more of my plugins, you can purchase any of the remaining plugins for 35% off! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
If you don't own 3 or more but you want to purchase 3 at once, you get a 25% discount! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
To perform any of the above, you need to contact me through email -> [email protected] and also message me here as well!

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There are several ways to get support! Please use any of the following
  1. Email: [email protected]
  2. Discussion area
  3. Private Message
  4. Discord (Click image below to join)


When you buy this plugin, you agree to the following terms!
  • You are buying a digital good that can not be returned whatsoever, meaning you are not allowed to request a refund at any time.
  • You are not allowed to redistribute the plugin on other websites or with your friends.
  • Im not obligated to update the plugin every so often. you buy the plugin as is and do not expect anything extra, nor do you expect that your suggestions have to be done or even be considered.
  • Source costs additional money
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 722
First Release: Jun 23, 2017
Last Update: Yesterday at 5:09 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
47 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings