House Points Plugin icon

House Points Plugin -----

A plugin to give points to hogwarts houses



Spigot 1.19

Java 19


If you have a feature request or wish this plugin to be updated to a new version and it's not, contact me on discord: Pandette#0001 and I will be able to get an update out.


This plugin was originally intended for a Harry Potter themed server, but I have recently modified it so that you could also use it on another server and put any house name you like.

/points [give/take] [house] [points] (username) (reason)
/points reload
* Give/Take can change depending on config
* House is either the name of the house or the shortcut in the configuration
* points are the amount
* Username is a player you wish to display earning the points
* Reason is why the user deserves those points.


HousePoints.see - Permission to view house standings

HousePoints.give - Permission to give house points to all houses

HousePoints.take - Permission to take housepoints from all houses

HousePoints.give.<housename> - Permission to give housepoints to a specific house.

HousePoints.take.<housename> - Permission to take housepoints from a specific house.

HousePoints.create.sign - Permission to create a housepoints sign

HousePoints.delete.sign - Permission to delete a housepoints sign

HousePoints.reload - Permission to reload the plugin from the config.


There is the ability to configure this plugin both by using the config.yml but additionally by hooking into some of the interfaces I provide. All will be documented here:

For configuration help please refer to the github read me: Github Readme

Placing a wall sign with [<housename>] will create a sign for the house. Behind the sign blocks will move about depending on rank. Requires that you have the number of blocks above the sign block as there are houses.


Above image courtesy of Zeon Blacktooth, using the optifine renaming pattern that uses armorstands.

Above image is from KnockturnMC pre-1.14 update using block formats.

Feel free to contact me on discord if you end up running into issues: @Pandette is my discord handle.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 626
First Release: Apr 7, 2017
Last Update: Apr 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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