VSE is a companion plugin for
Vivecraft, the VR mod for Java Minecraft. VSE is for
Spigot servers and adds several enhancements for VR players.
- Vivecraft players will see other Vivecraft players head and arm movements.
- Support for Vivecraft 2-handed archery.
- Assign permission groups for VR players.
- Fixes projectiles and dropped items from VR players.
- Shrinks Creeper explosion radius for VR players from 3 to 1.75m (Configurable)
- Option to limit server to Vivecraft players only.
See the config.yml for all available configuration options.
Download from the
Releases page. Please ensure you download the correct version of the plugin as they are not backwards compatible.
Install as you would any other Spigot/Bukkit plugin by placing the jar in the /plugins folder.
For Spigot 1.7.10 you can download it in the version history tab or on our GitHub page
NOTE: If you have a BungeeCord network you also need this plugin on the proxy server (