Code (Text):
Version: 1.81
#If you don't want to use Vault, turn this to false.
UsingVault: true
#If you want to hide the Info-Page (/uf info) set this to false.
ShowInfoPage: true
#If the plugin is unable to get the right Server version (e.g. Forge 1.7 modded server), set "SetOwn" to true and "Version" to your server version.
#Valid versions are v1_7_R1, v1_7_R2, v1_7_R3, v1_7_R4, v1_8_R1, v1_8_R2, v1_8_R3, v1_9_R1, v1_9_R2, v1_10_R1, v1_11_R1, v1_12_R1
SetOwn: false
Version: v1_12_R1
#Set "ColoredConsoleText" to false, to disable the colored console text.
ColoredConsoleText: true
#If you set this to true, every Firework category has its own Permission.
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.Rockets
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.RocketBattery
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.FireworksFountain
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.Confetti
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.RocketBow
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.FireworkGyro
# - UltimateFirework.Gui.Firecracker
ExtraPermissionsForUsers: false
#Change one of the gadget names to false to disable them.
AktivateRockets: true
AktivateRocketBattery: true
AktivateFireworksFountain: true
AktivateConfetti: true
AktivateRocketBow: true
AktivateFireworkGyro: true
AktivateFirecracker: true
#If you set this to true, the final explosion of the gadgets will cause damage on the blocks.
Enable: true
#If the explosion block damage is set to true, you can disable worlds with this option here.
- Freebuild1
#If you set this to true, the final explosion of the gadgets will cause damage on the player.
Enable: true
#If the explosion player damage is set to true, you can disable worlds with this option here.
- Freebuild1
#If you set this to true, a Block-Break-Effect will appear.
BlockBreakEffect: true
# If you set this to true, the final explosion is creating FyingBlocks (Just a fancy animation).
Enable: true
# If you set this to true, the FlyingBlocks are geting static after falling on the ground (Only recommendet if you have the "normal" TNT Damage on).
FakeBlocks: false
#If you want to disable the FlyingBlocks in certain worlds, you can disable worlds with this option here.
- Freebuild1
# If true, Rocket-Images will always point in the right direction for the players.
PlayerViewRotation: true
# Change "PlayerViewDistance", to change the player view distance for the ImageRocket.
PlayerViewDistance: 150
# If you set this to true, and the player has the permission UltimateFireworks.fireworkOnJoin a firework will explode at the players location.
FireworkOnJoin: false