Connector Signs icon

Connector Signs -----

Let your players connect to your available minigames by smart signs!

From the author of legendary MultiLobby balancing plugin available since 2014!

Connector signs is lightweight Spigot plugin for your Lobby server to transport your players from Lobby to minigames servers. You can create your own group of minigames servers like SkyWars, Bedwars etc. You can place any amount of signs you want for the given group of servers and it will show only available servers (those servers that are online and waiting for players to join) will be displayed on your signs.

Active development & support since 2016!

Latest versions work only for 1.13+, if you need compatibility with older versions 1.7 - 1.12 please download version 1.8.2.

My other plugins:

MultiLobbyM - Modular version of MultiLobby with Velocity support!

MultiLobby MatchMaker - Reduce minigame start-up times significantly! Fill your servers with players quicker!

Sign format is completely customizable with placeholders! (see config section)



MultiLobby - the best and top rated solution for multiple Lobby servers with offline detection and many usefull features to manage your servers!


- Connect your players to the servers via Signs!
- Fully configurable sign content with placeholders
- Signs display only online and available servers to join
- The plugin is delivered with example configuration
- Sign color support (use standart color tags &<number>)
- New: Configurable behind-sign block to see server status (green/red blocks of your choice)
- New: PlaceholderAPI support


%players% - Online players count
%maxplayers% - Server slots
%motd% - Current server's motd
%server% - Current server displayed on the sign
%status_color% - Change motd color based on server availability (details in Configuration section below)

Please note that the sign format is defined in config, so you do not have to type these placeholder on every sign in-game. How to place the sign see below:

How to create your first sign:

1. Place a sign
2. Type on the first line: csign
3. Type on the second line the name of your server group
4. You can create any amount of signs you want for every group
5. The sign will be refreshed 5 seconds later after it's creation

1. Check that your server names are exactly the same as in Bungee config (they are case-sensitive.
2. Check your keywords
3. Remove any chat color codes from keywords, they are not needed here because of motd -> contains (keyword) logic.
4. Use correct server IP addresses (if your lobby server is on same machine as your minigame server, better use localhost in case local loopback via public IP refuses the connection)
5. Enable debug and see server console for additional information
6. Check that other plugins are not blocking right clicking on signs
7. Check that you have disabled whitelist and that there is not some plugin blocking players from connecting to target servers

There are currently 2 types of placeholders that are fed into PlaceholderAPI so you can use them elsewhere.
csignmax_group - Total slots available in the group
csignonline_group - Total number of online players in the group


/csign reload - Reloads the config
/csconnect <group_name> - alternative command to join the available server
/csstatus <group> - Displays overall status for the given group

/csstatus command:
Group status command will give you a brief overview of all servers in the group:


csigns.admin - Needed for sign creation and reload command
cssigns.status - Access to /csstatus command

Code (Text):

debug: true
status-blocks: false
wrong-config-check: false
ping-interval: 200
no-servers-found: "Searching..."
show-full-servers: false
available-block: GREEN_WOOL
unavailable-block: RED_WOOL

  - SkyWars
  - BedWars
    line1: "&6[SkyWars]"
    line2: "%players% / %maxplayers%"
    line3: "%motd%"
    line4: "%server%"
    line1: "&4[BedWars]"
    line2: "%players% / %maxplayers%"
    line3: "%status_color%%motd%"
    line4: "%server%"
      - "A Minecraft Server"
      - "Lobby"
      - "Ready to join"
      - "A Bedwars Server"
      - "Lobby"
      - "Ready to join"
  full: "&6"
  free: "&a"
  enabled: false
  line1: ""
  line2: "Waiting for"
  line3: "server"
  line4: ""
    noservers: "No servers currently available!"
    groupnotfound: "This group of servers does not exist!"


Contacts & support:
If you want to contact me or get fast support, please write me a private message. I am able to respond PM within 48 hours.
Or for fast support you can join discord server:
(I am online during business days: 16:00 - 23:00 CEST).
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 80
First Release: Sep 4, 2016
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
12 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings