NickAPI 7.0 NickAPI does only support 1.8.8, 1.20.2+, 1.21. The best NickAPI you always wanted to use
NickAPI finally reached the version 7.0. We completely recoded this API with a better structure, bugfree experience. Furthermore the NickAPI does no longer need ProtocolLib anymore and it supports from 1.8 up to the latest version. Wow!
What is the NickAPI? NickAPI is an API for developers to let easy intergrate the nick mechanism into their server without directly using NMS or anything else. NickAPI does not contain any kind of commands for people.
What does the NickAPI have? NickAPI intergrates all the nick methods you need to disguise your player. See the documentation for further information.
Why should I use the NickAPI? Our maintain is to have a NickAPI that is free of bugs and we pretty reached it. NickAPI offers a tons of features that will convince you to use it. You may have not seen an NickAPI with this amount of features. Give it a try and you will experience professionality.
What does it have for features? - The most important thing: clientside uuid changing
- Tag changing
- Skin changing
- GameProfile name changing
- TabComplete changing
- Bypass possibility (Player X see Y disguised while Z not)
- intergrated UUIDFetcher
- intergrated SkinFetcher
- crack support
- possibilities to give random skins or own custom skin for people who did not buy minecraft
- possibilities to give people random skins or own custom skin if peoples name does not belong to a minecraft account
Is it really worth to use this API? Of course it is worth. Why do you want to spend working with NMS or ProtocolLib instead of just using this API? You will not have performance issues or anything else. If you get issues, we will immediately fix it, if you report it to us.
At last: Do you have a question or need to report a bug? Feel free to join our discord server: Please give a fair review!
Pictures: How 'bout giving yourself the uuid of a labymod admin?
or just give yourself the uuid of a labymod admin and tag of AmongUs and the skin of Notch. You are never out of your creativity.
switch ( args[0].toLowerCase() ) {
case "reset":
NickAPI.resetNick( player );
NickAPI.resetSkin( player );
NickAPI.resetUniqueId( player );
NickAPI.resetProfileName( player );
NickAPI.refreshPlayer( player );
player.sendMessage( ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Successfully reset nick" );
String name = args[0];
NickAPI.setNick( player, name );
NickAPI.setSkin( player, name );
NickAPI.setUniqueId( player, name );
NickAPI.setProfileName( player, name );
NickAPI.refreshPlayer( player );
player.sendMessage( ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Successfully set the nickname to " + ChatColor.YELLOW + name );
return true;
Important information for developers: We have removed the instance based NickAPI because we did not see a reason for using instances to access the API methods in the earlier versions. We decided to make the methods within the NickAPI static.
Furthermore we renamed some of the methods and removed the 1.7 support for that. If you still want to use support 1.7, you may use NickAPI 5.x version.
Also do
NOT forget to add in your plugin.yml
Code (Text):
depend: [NickAPI]
Check out the FAQ for further information:
I put the plugin in the NickAPI folder but nothing happens. But why? Answer: This plugin does not do anything alone. It is just an API to help developers
Why did you remove 1.7 server support? Answer: That's a good question. 1.7 costs for us a lot of effort to implement. It cannot support clientside uuid changing (uuid-spoof), has other imports for specific classes that are mainly used (GameProfile, JSON classes). Furthermore it is a pretty old version that basically no people use it.
Does this plugin have anything included that should not be there? Answer: Like in the previous NickAPI versions, our team will just receive a message on JoinEvent. You do not need to worry about it.
I have a cracked server. Nothing seems to work? Answer: Please download and put it into your BungeeCord folder. Furthermore go into NickAPI config and set
cracked to true.