NOTE: This project has moved to Modrinth. All future updates will be posted there and this page will no longer receive updates. Content on this page is outdated and only represents information pertaining to 2.x versions!
Battle Tracker?
Welcome to the new home of
Battle Tracker. The original plugin Dev's discontinued this project and has been picked up by community members familiar with it. Expect bugs to be squashed, spankin' new features to be added, and new updates to keep coming! A new wiki is being setup with tutorials, information, and the likes as well as a brand new website.
Thank you, - The BattlePlugin team.
PvP Death messages
Customizable death messages for PvP deaths.
Allows use of Herochat channels for messages.
Records stats for PvP and PvE kills
Stats include,
wins,losses,ties, streak, maxstreak, ranking, maxranking
- /pvp
- /pvp top [x] : show the top x highest rated players
- /pvp vs <other player> [x records] : shows the last x records vs another player
- /pvp vs <player1> <player2> [x records]: shows the records between player1 and player2
Leaderboard Signs
You can make leaderboard signs for PvP, PvE, or any other plugin that uses BattleTracker as a backend (like BattleArena). These signs will update every minute.
To make them, you make a sign where the first line is
[ database name ] where database name is
PvE, or if you have BattleArena, any of the databases from the configs, like
The second line is what type of data will be shown. Examples:
Rating, Wins,Kills,Losses,Deaths, Streak,MaxStreak,KDRatio,WLRatio,MaxRating
Once that is done, the sign is complete and it will automatically convert signs above or below it into Top Signs, (though it won't convert signs that start with the character '[').
Video Tutorial
Personal Stats
Clicking on a leaderboard sign will show you your personal stats. A big thanks to
MCForger for the code to do this.
Has an api for storing your own stats. Allows you to make top lists, give elo to different events, etc.
API Tutorial
Information Collection
To see what statistics this plugin may collect and send out from your server. See
Information Collection. This can be disabled in BattlePluginsAPI/config.yml
This plugin checks for new bukkit release versions which can be disabled in the BattleTracker/config.yml
You can ask us questions in real time on Discord when we're around. Please stick around if you don't get an answer right away. Most of us have lives and only check Discord occasionally.
New Features and Fixes
This plugin was Originally Developed by:
alkarinv ,
lDucks , and
rasnyderiii over at
The Battle Tracker page. All credits for the original BattleTracker go to them.
Please do not put bug reports, inquiries, errors, or issues in the reviews section. Please open a new issue on GitHub, use the discussion thread, or join the Discord server if you need help.