IronElevators [1.21.X] icon

IronElevators [1.21.X] -----

Stupid-simple elevators!

Stupid-simple elevators! The fastest, easiest way to navigate up your tallest towers! Just jump to go up and crouch to go down. No buttons, levers, pressure plates, or any other cumbersome mechanics. Stairs are too bulky and ladders are too slow! Simply place an iron block on each floor of your house in a vertical line, and you'll be flying through your mansion in no time!

The main function for going up and down on IronElevators was done by the original author. Everything added on like support for all versions of minecraft was done by me.


  • 1.21.X Ready and Tested
  • Create an elevator just by placing iron blocks above one another
  • Allows instant vertical travel between aligned iron blocks
  • No commands to make elevator, No signs, No redstone or other required mechanics.
  • Create multiple elevators
  • Can change sound for going up or down
  • Cooldowns for elevators
  • Select worlds you want elevators to work in
How to Install

Drop the jar in your plugins folder
By default, everyone has the permission to use the plugin

/irreload - reloads the config

  • ironelevators.use | default = true | Allow a player to teleport using this plugin.
  • ironelevators.reload - Allows players to reload config
  • ironelevators.notify - Notify the player when there is a new update
Note: This permission is true for everyone by default. Use a decremental permission node to take the permission away from certain players. eg. "-ironelevators.use"

How to use

  • Place iron blocks in a vertical line (NO MORE THAN 14 BLOCKS BETWEEN THEM BY DEFAULT)
  • Stand on one
  • Jump to go up to a higher level
  • Crouch to go down to a lower level

Code (Text):
UpdateMessage: true #Get updates for future releases
Spectator Disable: true #Disables spectators from using elevators
Worlds: #What worlds you want the plugin to work in
- world
- world_nether
- world_the_end
CoolDownInSeconds: 0 #Cooldown to use the elevator
Elevators: #You can now add multiple elevators
  IRON_BLOCK:  #Default evelvator
    minElevation: 3 #Minimum blocks for a elevator
    maxElevation: 14 #Maximum blocks for a elevator
    elevatorWhooshUP: ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_ATTACK #Sound when going up a elevator
    elevatorWhooshDOWN: ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_ATTACK #Sound when going down a elevator
  GOLD_BLOCK: #Example second elevator
    minElevation: 3 #Minimum blocks for a elevator
    maxElevation: 50 #Maximum blocks for a elevator
    elevatorWhooshUP: ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_ATTACK #Sound when going up a elevator
    elevatorWhooshDOWN: ENTITY_IRON_GOLEM_ATTACK #Sound when going down a elevator
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 41,023
First Release: Mar 4, 2016
Last Update: Dec 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
32 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings