ChatItem - Display items in chat! icon

ChatItem - Display items in chat! -----

Display items in chat! Hover over them to see info and name. Supports ALL chat formatting plugins.

Originally created by dadus33.

Ever wanted to allow your players to show their items in chat, just to be sure they really have the item they want to sell to you? Well, this plugin does just that.

It's a lightweight plugin that works with ALL chat formatting plugins, including Essentials, Factions, DeluxeChat and ANY OTHER PLUGIN you can think of. It also supports offering in depth info about the item, just like you'd hover your cursor over the real item in your inventory. All you have to do is type your message while having the item you want to show in your hand, and using the configured placeholder.

Chat wrongly showed? Try /chatitem select !

Servers using this:

  • RevivalMC
  • Want your server here? Just tell me ;) (maybe some of them have remove the plugin. It's an old list)

By NumeroUno (slightly outdated)​
Current features
  • Support for all plugins!
  • 1.8 to 1.21 minecraft versions are supported!
  • Cross-Version support: for servers using ViaVersion or ProtocolSupport
  • Permission support
  • Custom item name and amount format changeable in config
  • Multiple placeholders
  • Extensive configuration options
  • Reload command
  • 100% customizable messages
  • All mojang translations !


- No required dependency
- Supported plugin: LanguageUtils, ViaVersion, ProtocolSupport & ProtocolLib.

  • chatitem.reload -- allows you to reload the config
  • chatitem.use -- allows your messages to be parsed by the plugin
  • chatitem.ignore-cooldown -- allows you to bypass the message cooldown (if enabled)

Commands and config

/cireload - reloads the plugin
/chatitem - See help
/chatitem select - Help you to change how config the plugin
/chatitem admin - Open inventory to manage ChatItem options
/chatitem show - Show your item to yourself
/chatitem broadcast - Show your item to everyone

For default config, it's here.


For the ChatItem dependency, you have to use jitpack :
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
  <version>v2</version><!-- v2 is the branch, you can use release -->
Alternatively, if you are not using Maven, you can download the plugin itself and add it to your build path.
The JavaDocs should be automatically read by your IDE when using Maven, but they can also be manually added by downloading the Javadoc jars from the repository.
  • The translations feature doesn't currently work properly in newer versions of Minecraft. That is because a lot of data values have changed and they will be fully replaced in the 1.13 update with item meta data. The next version of the plugin, 1.3.7, will feature a fully working translation feature adapted for 1.13 and a fallback system which should display the name of the item exactly as shown in the client's language.
Other than that, I will look into and hopefully solve any bugs or issues you might find, but only if you DON'T post it in the reviews section
The idea of the plugin is rather simple, but it's implementation is much more complicated. In short, all it does is that it intercepts outgoing server packets (that's why it needs ProtocolLib) and scans them for the placeholders needed. Then, the messages (in JSON format) are parsed by a nice JSON parser I made, and the replacements for the placeholders (the things for the item format you set in the config) are then added after being translated to valid JSON (using a modified version of @DarkSeraphim's JsonUtils class), along with the things that make the item actually display when you hover your mouse over it's placeholder. As the plugin is directly editing outgoing JSON chat packets, it's 100% guaranteed that it won't interfere at all with the chat format, leaving you to use whatever chat plugin you need, without any kind of interaction with mine!

[​IMG] [​IMG]

Fork the repository on GitHub or get instant help on the Discord channel!​
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 87,008
First Release: Feb 26, 2016
Last Update: Nov 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
147 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings