Overview WorldEditSelectionVisualizer (WESV) is essentially the famous
WorldEditCUI mod in the form of a bukkit plugin, which means that players
don't need to install anything on their client.
Spawns particles around WorldEdit selections so players can see them
No client mod required
Supports cuboid, sphere, ellipsoid, cylinder, polygon and convex selections
Can display the current clipboard (use /wesv toggle clipboard to enable)
Use /wesv toggle to toggle the visualizer
Option to only show the selection when holding the selection item
Configurable particle effect and view distance
Prevent players from spawning too many particles when selecting huge regions
Highly customizable for the performance of your server
FastAsyncWorldEdit support
Compatible with all Minecraft versions starting with 1.7.10
PlaceholderAPI support (you can use the placeholders %wesv_toggled_selection%, %wesv_toggled_clipboard%, %wesv_volume_selection% and %wesv_volume_clipboard%)
/wesv toggle and /wesv toggle clipboard: toggle the selection/clipboard visualization
/wesv lock: lock/unlock the origin of the clipboard visualization to your current location
/wesv lock tp: teleport to the lock location (when clipboard visualization lock is enabled)
/wesv reload: reload the configuration
wesv.toggle: for the toggle command
wesv.use: allows the visualizer to be turned on
wesv.reload: allows the configuration of this plugin to be reloaded from the config.yml file
Configuration This plugin can be very resource expensive, try adjusting the configuration if you experience lag.
Code (YAML):
# WorldEditSelectionVisualizer configuration
# When enabled, if a new update is available it will display a message in the console on enable check-updates: true
# You can edit the plugin messages here messages:
no-permissions: "&cYou don't have the permission to use this command." config-reloaded: "&aThe config was reloaded" selection-too-large: "&6The visualizer only works with selections up to a size of %blocks% blocks." visualizer-enabled: "&6Your visualizer has been &eenabled." visualizer-disabled: "&6Your visualizer has been &cdisabled." visualizer-clipboard-enabled: "&6Your clipboard visualizer has been &eenabled&6." visualizer-clipboard-disabled: "&6Your clipboard visualizer has been &cdisabled&6."
# When enabled, if a player disables the selection visualization and leaves the server, when he will # come back, the selection visualization will be still disabled until he activates it again with /wesv toggle. save-toggle: true
# Delay in ticks when the WorldEdit selection and clipboard are updated. # This doesn't affect particles spawning and players performances. # The server impact is medium selection-update-interval: 20
# When enabled, the particles are displayed only when holding the WorldEdit selection wand item (by default a wooden axe) # You can change the WorldEdit wand item in the WorldEdit configuration need-we-wand: false
# When enabled, top and bottom particles will be displayed for cuboid selections cuboid-top-bottom: false
# Settings for visualization # 'selection': The WorldEdit current selection # 'clipboard': The WorldEdit clipboard (when you use //copy or //schem load ) # 'primary': The primary selection points (the region borders) # 'secondary': The secondary selection points # 'fade-delay': The number of seconds before the particles disappears. You can set it to 0 to remove the fade delay # 'max-selection-size' : The maximum size of a selection to be display. A big value (> 1000000) can cause important lags # 'points-distance': The distance between each particle. The higher this number is, fewer particles will be spawn # 'lines-gap' (secondary selection only): The distance between each particles lines on cuboid and polygon. The higher this number is, fewer particles will be spawn. Set it to 0 to remove cuboid lines # 'update-interval': The delay in ticks between particles spawn. This impact the players performances # 'view-distance': The maximum distance in which players can see the particles. On 1.7.10 the particle distance is limited to 16 (Minecraft limitation) # 'particles': The particles type and data. The data can be a color for redstone like in the form 'r,g,b' or a Material for block crack/item crack # The particle types are available on https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Particle.html visualization:
fade-delay: 0
max-selection-size: 50000
points-distance: 1.0
update-interval: 12
view-distance: 64
type: "FLAME" data: "" secondary:
points-distance: 3.0
lines-gap: 5.0
update-interval: 18
view-distance: 32
type: "REDSTONE" data: "RED" clipboard:
fade-delay: 0
max-selection-size: 50000
points-distance: 1.0
update-interval: 12
view-distance: 64
type: "FLAME" data: "" secondary:
points-distance: 3.0
lines-gap: 5.0
update-interval: 18
view-distance: 32
type: "REDSTONE" data: "BLUE"
Bugs and suggestions Please don't post bugs or suggestions in the review section, but please open an issue on GitHub, or on the discussion page.
Original Author Credits WorldEditSelectionVisualizer (WESV) has been originally created by
rojet601. Since this user's gone inactive since November 2015 and the plug-in contains some errors,
ZathrusWriter decided to release an 1.8. forward-compatible version with those errors fixed.
Please don't post bugs, questions or suggestions in the review section, but please open an issue on GitHub, or on the discussion page or on my Discord server.