[15% SALE] ⭕ Marcely's Bedwars ⭕ Supports 1.8 - 1.21.4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ EST. 2015
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Version History
Huuge update | 4.0.9
Added configs:
force-slot in shop.cm2 for pages and items
Added placeholder:
Minor changes:
Improved game end handling
It's now more logical
It'll directly enter regeneration mode instead of the EndLobby if there are no player left
Players who leave and cause the end of the round won't get a message of those who won and etc.
Better respawn handling
Added the ability to have no custom name for a page or item by simple leaving its name empty in the shop.cm2 file
Renamed 'Regeneration speed' to 'Regeneration time' in /bw arena info
Added feedback with estimated time when using /bw arena saveblocks for larger region arenas
Added error message when repeating /bw arena saveblocks while the operation is already running
Added error message when trying to regenerate an arena while it's saving blocks
Added error message when trying to save blocks of an arena while it's not stopped
Improved respawn system
Improved general system of the handler
Reduced time until the death screen disappear (if enabled)
Now allowing usage of placeholders by PlaceholdersAPI in the scoreboard
Fixed bugs:
Fixed 'UnsupportedOperationException: Cats are now a different entity!' error for 1.14
Fixed weird potion when using this syntax:
Fixed broken 'keep-on-death' for items of shop.cm2 when 'death-spectate' was enabled
Fixed that placeholders of the 'beddestroy-message' config didn't got replaced properly
Fixed that an arena didn't enter the stopped status when the 'Stopped arena because it has * problems.' occured on start of the server
Fixed that it was possible to use the leave item (even if that item isn't visible in the inventory) during spectate caused by death
Fixed that there was a chance that the server wouldn't restart/stop properly when restart-oncearenaend was enabled
Fixed slight chance for 'NullPointerException' error on start
Fixed that the {heart} placeholder in the ingame scoreboard would display any team as still alive on round start
Fixed NullPointerException error when using the config rescueplatform-autobreak
Fixed '* is not a @Sharable handler, so can't be added or removed multiple times.' error on start
Fixed that players couldn't use /bw addstatssign on wallsigns for 1.14 (and propbably also 1.13)
Fixed 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory.getTitle()Ljava/lang/String;' error
Fixed that you could interact with holographic entities from any distance through hacks
Fixed that new blocks of 1.13 and 1.14 would disappear when using region regenerator
Fixed that the config 'forcestart-ignoreminplayers' didn't have any affect
Fixed that the 'no-drops' config didn't have any affect
Fixed 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.TileEntity' error when using an old 1.12 version while regenerating a region arena
Fixed the 'A new update has been found' message for joininig players
Fixed 'Plugin attempted to register task while disabled' error, which occured when the plugin got unloaded during a running round
Fixed that 'placeholderapi-registercustom' didn't work properly with PlaceholderAPI on the latest version
Fixed that the scoreboards of the remaining players changed to the lobby one once someone left the round
API changes:
Changed constructor of RoundEndEvent
Added RoundEndEvent#<boolean>isTie
Added RoundEndEvent#<List<Player>>getLosers
Added Arena#<List<Player>>getPlayersInTeam(Team team)
Changed constructor of PlayerQuitArenaEvent
Added PlayerQuitArenaEvent#Team getTeam
Added TeamEliminateEvent
Added Arena#List<Team> getRemainingTeams()
Added ArenaDeleteEvent
Added ArenaCreateEvent
Deprecated PlayerRespawnEvent
Added PlayerRoundDeathEvent, which extends PlayerRespawnEvent
Added PlayerRoundRespawnEvent,
Aug 9, 2019
View on SpigotMC
Resource Information
Total Downloads:
First Release:
Oct 23, 2015
Last Update:
Jan 12, 2025
All-Time Rating:
235 ratings
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