What (once again) a huge update! I want to thank
@MetallicGoat for playing a huge role with this one, as he has spent lots of his time in not only looking for bugs or things that can be improved, but instead even contributed a lot into the development itself! It's very fascinating to see on what can be reached when working in a team, and I am excited to see on what can be reached in the future.
This is the 206th free update available for this plugin. Development is stressful and consumes lots of time. I'd be super grateful if you'd earn us a tip:
Thanks, and we wish you lots of fun with the update!
Config changes:
- We're now using iron, gold, diamond and emerald as the default spawners, instead of previously bronze, iron and gold
- Added:
- tnt-fuse-time
- spawnerhologram-hide-playerbase
- eachteam-sortation
- guarddog-stay-at-base
- Sort names in SetupGUI regardless whether name is upper-cased or not
- Sorting arenas in ArenasGUI now by alphabet
- ArenasGUIs now auto update state changes of arenas
- It's now possible to use potion syntax for tipped arrow items
- Fixed typos and grammatical errors in config.cm2
- Made players auto flying when they're about to fly into the void and "endlobby-flying" is enabled
- Added support for newly added blocks for the "interacting" config
- Improved performance by putting the checker, that checks what players are currently at the base, on the threaded ticker
- Enabling add-ons now that are located inside the add-ons folder when starting the plugin
- Got rid of the minus in scoreboards
- Disabled hub positions when it's being solved via BungeeCord
- Now storing properties of SWM worlds
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed possible error when converting from v4 https://pastebin.com/HCNjL22U
- Fixed issues with auto updating buttons in SetupGUI within the arena selector menu
- Fixed arena pickers always comparing variables with equals, even tho something else was specified
- Fixed fatal error caused when a party member would try to follow his leader into a running match
- Fixed achievements never displaying the "you earned it" message
- Wet sponge was unbreakable in 1.13+
- Fixed "interacting" config in config.cm2 being reverted
- Fixed concurrency error https://pastebin.com/4jAkyg9f
- Fixed incorrectly composing some NBT types on 1.11 and older
- Fixed NBTs in items not working on some versions
- Fixed lobby items not loading when lobby.cm2 got saved at the same time
- Fixed error on 1.18.1 https://pastebin.com/VzQp141d
- Fixed possible error with autojoin https://pastebin.com/rf8Ze3Lu
- Fixed mining fatigue lasting forever
- Fixed Liquids could have been placed in "non-buildable" areas
- Fixed it being more difficult on 1.8 to kill dealers etc.
- Fixed "non-buildable-radius" config not being 100% centered
- Fixed some achievements being broken
- Fixed possible error with SWM https://pastebin.com/H5TAdEk9
- Fix possible infinite "earned all achievements" loop possibly crashing server
- Fixed possibly barrier, representing that no arenas are left, staying within the voting creating GUI when changing the amount of players
- Fixed issues with player caching / auto saving
- Fixed ender chests immediately closing after opening them on 1.17-1.18
- Fixed rare error occurring when using java 9+ and SQL https://pastebin.com/R9Sx8AKd
API changes:
- Fixed error when invoking Arena#setRegionCorners when no corners have been set yet
- Fixed error when trying to register an addon
- Updated VarParticle
- Added optional parameter for a ShopPage to GameAPI#openShop
- Added the ability to change the colors of teams:
- Team#setChatColor(ChatColor)
- Team#setDyeColor(DyeColor)
- Team#setBukkitColor(Color)
- Added to NMSHelper:
- void simulateChestOpening(World world, int x, int y, int z)
- void simulateChestClosing(World world, int x, int y, int z)
- void simulateChestOpening(Block block)
- void simulateChestClosing(Block block)
- void setServerMotd(String motd)
- void playItemPickupAnimation(Entity entity, Entity item, int amount)
- void simulatePlayerClickingRespawn(Player player)
- void setEntityMovementSpeed(LivingEntity entity, double speed)
- void setEntityTargetRange(LivingEntity entity, double range)
- void teleportWithoutEvent(Entity entity, Location location)
- double getItemDamage(ItemStack is)
- Added to Helper:
- copy(InputStream is, OutputStream os)
- JsonObject parseSNBTAsJson(String nbt)
- String composeJsonAsSNBT(JsonObject json)
- Material getMaterialByName(String name)
- Effect getEffectByName(String name)
- Material getBlockVariant(Material mat)
- Material getInventoryVariant(Material mat)
- Added:
- Arena#Inventory getTeamPrivateInventory(Team team)
- SpectateReason#FOLLOW_PARTY
- KickSpectatorReason#FOLLOW_PARTY
- Arena#boolean endMatch(@Nullable Team winningTeam)
- Added class DefaultMessageMappings
- MessageAPI#registerDefaultMappings(DefaultMessageMappings)
- MessageAPI#unregisterDefaultMappings(DefaultMessageMappings)
- MessageAPI#getDefaultMappings()
- Hologram#getSkin