Shows action bars to invisible players (Requires ProtocolLib)
You can change nearly every message from this plugin in messages.yml
Invisible players are still invisible after join/quit
Invisible players are still invisible after a reload/restart
Invisible players cannot pick up items
Disables the ''normal'' join/leave messages of hidden players
Broadcasts a fake join/leave message on vanish and/or reappear
Disables damage for invisible players
Hides items in the hand of invisible players
Hides the armour of invisible players
You can reload the configuration in-game
Invisible players can open chests silently (Requires ProtocolLib)
Invisible players can't trigger pressure plates
Invisible players can fly even if they are in survival mode
Invisible players can't block the placement of blocks
Invisible players can't block arrows (but get teleported two blocks up)
Invisible players can't be tab-completed by players who can't see them
Placeholder support for other plugins (see PlaceholderAPI github wiki)
Support for DiscordMC (Install
You can install
BBV by Haskins to get a bossbar vanish indicator
You can use the %supervanish_vanishprefix% and %supervanish_vanishsuffix% PlaceholderAPI placeholders to get special prefixes/suffixes for players only when they are vanished