NameTagIt Now you can name mobs without actual nametag...
Download the latest version from SpigotMC or GitHub.
Place the `.jar` file into your server's `plugins` folder.
Start/Restart the server and configure it as needed.
Can put a nametag on mob without the item.
Requires permissions, so not everyone can use it.
Just look at the mob you want to put a nametag on.
/nametagit (name) – Put a nametag on mob
/nametagitremove – Removes nametag from the mob
/nametagit – Displays plugin's commands
nametagit.use – Able to name the mob
nametagit.remove – Able to remove NT
You can always edit all messages (and prefix) of the plugin in the
config.yml file.
Code (YAML):
prefix: "&bNameTagIt&f ▸ " no-permission: "&cYou cannot use this command" named-message: "&aYou added nametag on this mob" removed-message: "&cYou removed a nametag from this mob" no-mob-message: "&cYou are not looking at mob"
If you have any problems, please report them, so they can be fixed as soon as possible. Don’t leave a bad review with the message
"It didn't work." Thanks.