PosTracker 1.0.0
PosTracker is a lightweight yet powerful plugin that tracks player positions over time.
It allows you to store position data in a file or a database, retrieve past locations,
and display them in a user-friendly format with clickable coordinates.
- Saves player positions at a configurable interval (seconds).
- Offers both file-based and MySQL database storage options.
- Displays past positions with pagination and clickable teleport links.
- Supports multiple languages (EN, RU, UK).
Commands & Permissions
- /pos help - Shows help and usage information.
- /pos interval <number> - Changes the position save interval (in seconds).
- /pos language <en|uk|ru> - Switches the plugin’s language.
- /pos radius:<value> time:<duration> [name:<player>] [page:<num>] - Retrieves position data.
Permission Node:
(Players without this permission cannot use the /pos commands.)