RedstoneGuard is the ultimate solution to protect your server against lag-causing redstone MACHINES.
• Smart detection of lag-causing redstone machines
• Configurable limits for each redstone component
• Chunk-based protection system
• Piston control to prevent exploits
• Staff notifications
• Permission-based bypass system
Code (YAML):
# RedstoneGuard Configuration
# Block settings blocks:
# Default threshold for all blocks. Increase for more redstone activity # Set to -1 to disable specific component limiting # Specific thresholds for different redstone components # Higher values = more activations allowed before blocking REDSTONE_WIRE: 5
# For redstone dust and clocks REDSTONE_TORCH: 4
# For redstone torch circuits REDSTONE_BLOCK: 3
# For redstone blocks REPEATER: 4
# For repeater circuits COMPARATOR: 4
# For comparator circuits DISPENSER: 3
# For dispenser machines DROPPER: 3
# For dropper systems
# Chunk protection chunks:
threshold: 1024
# Maximum redstone activations per chunk # Set to -1 to disable chunk-based limiting # Increase for larger farms or set to -1 if you don't want chunk limits
# Piston settings max_piston_push: 6
# Maximum blocks a piston can push # Increase this for larger piston-based farms # This affects farms that use pistons to break blocks
# Block period (in milliseconds) block_period: 3000
# Time before resetting activation counts # Lower = more frequent activations allowed # Higher = more strict limiting # 1000 = 1 second, 3000 = 3 seconds
# Visual effects when blocking redstone block_effect: FLAME
# Options: SMOKE, FLAME, SPELL, etc. block_effect_data: 0
# Cache settings cache:
expiry: 30000
# Cache expiry time in milliseconds (default: 30000 = 30 seconds) cleanup_interval: 300000
# Cleanup interval in milliseconds (default: 300000 = 5 minutes) initial_size: 1000
# Initial size for cache maps use_concurrent_maps: true
# Use ConcurrentHashMap for better thread safety
# Block tracking settings tracking: # How blocks are identified in the tracking system block_id_format: "%x%/%y%/%z%"# Format for block IDs chunk_id_format: "%x%/%z%"# Format for chunk IDs
# Effect settings effects:
x: 0.5
# X offset for effect location (default: 0.5) y: 0.0
# Y offset for effect location (default: 0.0) z: 0.5
# Z offset for effect location (default: 0.5) notifications:
enabled: true
# Enable/disable notifications permission: "redstoneguard.notifications"# Permission to receive notifications threshold: 50
# Number of blocks before notification cooldown: 60
# Time in seconds between notifications for the same chunk messages:
alert: |-
&c[RedstoneGuard] &eSuspicious activity detected:
&7Location: &fx:%x%, y: %y%, z: %z%, world: %world% &7Player: &e%player% &7Blocks: &c%blocks% &7in the last &e
%time% &7seconds
# Messages (supports color codes with &) messages:
statistics: |-
&6=== RedstoneGuard Statistics ===
&7Total Activations: &e%total_redstone% &7Blocked Actions: &c%blocked_redstone% &7Current Period: &e%current_period%ms &7Block Period: &e%block_period%ms &7Global Threshold: &e%block_threshold% &7Cache Status: &e%cache_stats% no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command." reload: "&aRedstoneGuard configuration reloaded successfully!" argument_not_found: "&cUnknown argument: &e%argument%"
Easy Setup:
• Simple and documented configuration
• No database required
• Compatible with 1.8.8+
• No dependencies needed
⭐ Performance Optimized:
• Efficient caching system
• Minimal server impact
• Smart detection of suspicious activity
Perfect for:
• Survival Servers
• Faction Servers
• Any server needing redstone control
Simple Commands:
• /rg - View statistics
• /rg reload - Reload configuration
If you have any problems, contact me on my discord: