A Fun Betting System for Your Minecraft Server!
This plugin allows players to participate in betting games with a specified amount of money. Once a player starts a game, others can join, and a random winner is selected. The winner receives a percentage of the total pot.
✨ Features
- Fun betting system for an exciting experience
- Minimum and maximum bet limits
- Automatic game start and timer ⏳
- Full compatibility with Vault economy
- Commands for starting and joining betting games
- Customizable settings (config.yml) ⚙️
- Start a new betting game.
Code (Text):
/gamble accept
- Join an ongoing game.
- Ensure you have Vault installed.
- Place Gamble.jar in your plugins folder.
- Restart your server.
- Customize betting amounts and messages in config.yml.
- Enjoy thrilling betting games!
Example config.yml
Code (Text):
min-bet: 100
max-bet: 100000
wait-time-seconds: 60
winner-percentage: 90
game-started: "&a%player% has started a betting game! Type /gamble accept to join!"
game-joined: "&a%player% has joined the game! (%count% players)"
not-enough-money: "&cYou don't have enough money!"
game-winner: "&6======================"
winner-announcement: "&aWinner: %player%"
pot-announcement: "&aTotal Pot: %amount% gold"
winner-share: "&aWinner's Share (%percentage%%): %amount% gold"
⚙️ Requirements
Download this plugin now and add excitement to your server! If you encounter any issues, feel free to ask in the comments or join our Discord server.