SuperSleep - Revolutionize Your Minecraft Sleep Mechanics
SuperSleep is an advanced Minecraft plugin designed to
enhance multiplayer sleeping mechanics with customizable features, per-world settings, and a rewarding system that keeps players engaged. Whether you're running a small community or a large-scale server, SuperSleep ensures a seamless and configurable sleep experience for everyone.
Enhanced Sleep Mechanics
✔ Configurable
sleep percentage to skip the night ✔ Per-world
customized sleep settings ✔
Gradual time skip for immersive realism ✔ Special event detection (boss fights, raids, and more)
Player Rewards & Perks
✔ Experience rewards for sleeping ✔ Temporary
potion effects (speed, regeneration, etc.) ✔ Customizable reward system for engaged players
Quality of Life Enhancements
Auto-heal & feed sleeping players ✔
Weather control upon sleeping ✔ AFK player handling to avoid voting abuse ✔ Customizable
particle & sound effects
Developer API & Integrations
Clean & documented API for easy plugin interaction ✔
PlaceholderAPI support for custom messages ✔ Custom
events & hooks for advanced customization
- Download the latest SuperSleep release from the Releases Page.
- Place the SuperSleep.jar file into your server's /plugins/ folder.
- Restart your server to generate the config files.
- Configure settings in plugins/SuperSleep/config.yml to fit your needs.
- Enjoy a better sleeping system!
Commands & Permissions
/supersleep help Shows the help menu
/supersleep reload Reloads the plugin configuration
/supersleep toggle Toggles sleep functionality on/off
/supersleep settings Opens the settings menu
Permission Function
supersleep.admin Grants access to all commands
supersleep.use Allows basic usage of the plugin
supersleep.bypass Bypass sleep requirements
API Usage
For developers looking to integrate with SuperSleep, here's a quick start:
SuperSleepAPI api = SuperSleep.getInstance().getApi();
// Access sleep mechanics, modify settings, and more!
Full API documentation coming soon!
Crafted with precision by GreyGhost59 ❤️