# GameMenu
A simple Minecraft Server Menu plugin like Hypixel's Skyblock's "Skyblock Menu".<br>
Fully customizable, you can customize this plugin by editing `config.yml`
## Table of Contents
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Commands](#commands)
- [Permissions](#permissions)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Thankyou](#thankyoudonations)
## Introduction
`GameMenu` is a lightweight and user-friendly plugin designed for Minecraft servers. It provides a customizable menu interface for server players, allowing easy navigation and access to server features and commands.
## Features
- Easy to install and configure.
- Customizable menu items and commands.
- [PREMIUM] Supports multiple menu pages.
- User-friendly interface.
- Lightweight and efficient.
## Installation
To install the `GameMenu` plugin, follow these steps:
1. **Download the plugin**: Download the latest version of the `GameMenu` plugin from [here](
2. **Add the plugin to your server**:
- Place the downloaded JAR file into the `plugins` directory of your Minecraft server.<br>
[Note - This plugin will work on both spigot and paper server]
3. **Start the server**: Simply Start your Minecraft server to load the plugin.
4. **Verify installation**: Once the server is started, verify that the plugin is loaded by running the command `/plugins` in the server console or in-game. You should see `GameMenu` listed among the loaded plugins.
## Configuration
The `GameMenu` plugin comes with a default configuration file that can be customized to your liking. To configure the plugin:
1. Navigate to the `plugins/GameMenu` directory.
2. Open the `config.yml` file in a text editor.
3. Modify the configuration options to suit your needs. Below is the default configuration:
# AUTHOR: Loghot (ItzLoghotXD)
# Copyright (c) ItzLoghotXD 2024-2024. All rights reserved.
# The custom item which is used for
# server menu which is present in
# player's hotbar
# The default gui which is opens when
# player execute 'gm menu' command
# %player% - Returns player name
# %online% - Returns number of players online
# %online_max% - Returns number of max player slots
# (
# You can use minecraft color codes
# like '&a' for green you can find all
# code here
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
material: NETHER_STAR # The material which is use for this custom item. (you can find all item names here
display_name: '&aServer Menu &7(Right Click)' # The display name of this item
lore: # Lore(s) of this item
- '&7View all of your Server'
- '&7progress, including your Skills,'
- '&7Collections, Recipes, and more!'
- ''
- '&eClick to open'
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
slots: 54 # Total number of slots in the gui (if you enter any number which is not divisible by 9
# it will auto adjust it)
title: '&aServer Menu' # The title of this menu
items: # You can set items here which will be in the menu
# Some example items
material: ANVIL # The material which will be displayed in the menu for this item
slot: 8 # The number of slot in which the item will be
display_name: '&aReport Island Name' # The display name of this item
lore: # Lore(s) of this item
- '&7You can report this island'
- '&7if you think it has an'
- '&7in appropriate name.'
- ''
- '&eClick to Report it!'
commands: # The list of commands which will be executed when the player will right/left click on it
# (It has a built-in command 'CLOSE' which will close the menu and if you put 'CONSOLE: ' in before
# any command it will execute it as console else player)
- 'CONSOLE: say replace this with actual command'
- 'CONSOLE: say or edit config.yml'
slot: 31
display_name: '&aCrafting Table'
- '&7Opens the Crafting Grid.'
- ''
- '&eClick to open!'
- 'CONSOLE: say replace this with actual command'
- 'CONSOLE: say or edit config.yml'
material: BARRIER
slot: 49
display_name: '&4Close'
Save the changes and reload the plugin by typing `/gamemenu reload` in the console to apply the new configuration.
## Usage
Once the `GameMenu` plugin is installed and configured, all players can use the menu by executing the command `/gamemenu menu` in-game or by right-clicking when they are holding the custom `server_menu_item`. This will open the server menu with the configured items.
## Commands
The `GameMenu` plugin provides the following commands:
* `/gamemenu` - The default command.
* aliases - `/gm`
* usage - `/gamemenu <subcommand>`
* `/gamemenu help` - Shows the usage of every command.
* `gamemenu menu` - Opens the `Main menu`.
* `gamemenu reload` - Reloads the plugin
## Permissions
The `GameMenu` plugin uses the following permissions:
* `gamemenu.command.gm` - Allows a player to use the default command.
* `gamemenu.command.help` - Allows a player to use the help subcommand.
* `gamemenu.command.menu` - Allows a player to open the `Main menu`
* `gamemenu.command.reload` - Allows a player to reload the plugin.
## Contributing
Contributions to the `GameMenu` plugin are welcome! If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:
1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
5. Create a pull request to the main repository.
Please ensure that your code follows the project's coding standards and includes appropriate tests.
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.
# Thankyou/Donations
Thank you for using `GameMenu`! If you have any questions or need support, please open an issue on the [GitHub repository](
I work on this Project with the little amount of free time that I have. Please feel free to donate via Crypto any amount you desire to show your support, and help me stay motivated to keep this project going. Thank You!<br>
* Bitcoin (BTC) Address: bc1qgarxwpp4rn3y5h8hwmhc6a5cpwzqqu3p5pun07
* Litecoin (LTC) Address: LaHYbGK3ysnGQyC8PNmrFkZu3xvDfFQg14
* Ethereum (ETH) Address: 0xE842deFED402339F77637e95cD09d7b3820630ac
* Solana (SOL) Address: HcXwLbebt7mvjc69we8jnQtBGSAcB9U5rnbAMQeRAdSD
* Dogecoin (DOGE) Address: DKgToq8vnBHTgik3iQnm3r3r4mnqvXy4Um