UltimateTotem is a Minecraft plugin designed to enhance gameplay by introducing fully customizable totems with unique abilities and effects. It allows server administrators to configure how totems behave, offering a wide range of custom actions that can be triggered when a totem is used. This plugin is ideal for adding new mechanics to survival or PvP environments.
GUI: You can view the list of totems you’ve created through the GUI, and clicking on a totem will add it to your inventory.
Fully Configurable: Every aspect of the totem's behavior can be customized through configuration files.
Custom Totem: You can create unlimited totems however you like.
Custom Actions: You can configure which actions are triggered when a totem is used. Each totem can have different actions assigned to it.
/totem give <player> <totem>
/totem list
/totem reload
totem.command.help - Allows use of the /totem command
totem.command.give - Allows use of the /totem give command
totem.command.list - Allows use of the /totem list command
totem.command.reload - Allows use of the /totem reload command
Code (YAML):
name: '&aSpeed Totem'
lore: - '&7You will receive a speed effect when using this totem!'
actions: - 'ADD_POTION:SPEED:0:30'
"MSG:&a&lYour Speed Totem has been used!" -
"SOUND:BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK:1.0:1.0" glow: false
Code (YAML):
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command!'
totem-not-exist: '&7That totem doesnt exist!'
player-not-found: '&cPlayer is not online!'
sender-give: '&7You have given a &b
} to &7
target-give: '&7You have been given a &b
title: '&8Totem'
give: '<player> <totem> &f&oGive a player a totem'
list: '&f&oOpen totem list gui'
reload: '&f&oReloads the plugin'
reload-success: '&aSuccessfully reloaded!'
reload-fail: '&cA serious error occurred during reloading'