# Require permission "axishub.command" for /hub
requiresPermission: false
# Servers where /hub is disabled
disabled-servers: []
# Cooldown (seconds) before using /hub again
cooldownDurationSeconds: 5
# Messages
alreadyInHub: "&cYou are already connected to this server!"
disabledServersError: "&cYou can't do /hub here!"
hubDoesNotExistMessage: "&cThe configured hub server (%server%) doesn't exist!"
sendingToHubMessage: "&aSending you to the hub: %server%"
reloadCompleteMessage: "&aConfiguration reloaded." # "axishub.reload" permission required.
reloadNoPermissionMessage: "&cYou don't have permission to reload this plugin!"
cooldownActiveMessage: "&cYou must wait %cooldown% seconds before using /hub again."
axishub.command - Allows use of /hub (if `requiresPermission` is true).
axishub.reload - Allows use of /hub reload to refresh config.
How to Install
Place the AxisHub jar file into your BungeeCord plugins folder.
Restart or start up the proxy.
Edit the config.yml if needed, then `/hub reload` or restart to apply changes.
Enjoy streamlined hub teleportation across your network!