InteractiveSigns | Placing items on signs [1.21.4] icon

InteractiveSigns | Placing items on signs [1.21.4] -----

Supports: WorldGuard, Lands, Residence, HuskClaims, GriefPrevention, SuperiorSkyblock2, ChestProtect

Interactive Signs (1.20.2 - 1.21.4)
The plugin allows you to insert your items into the sign by clicking the right mouse button. To pick up an item, you need to hit the sign with the left mouse button.
Items on signs can be waxed with honeycomb, once they are waxed they cannot be taken by anyone. Waxing can be removed by using an axe.

This plugin also supports sign protection from plugins: WorldGuard, Lands, Residence, HuskClaims, GriefPrevention, SuperiorSkyblock2 and ChestProtect.

Hopefully this will improve and diversify your gaming experience.


Core Protect:
If you are using CoreProtect (v22.0+) to view player actions. You can use the command to view the actions of putting and taking an item from the signs.

/co lookup action:sign


- /ins help "Shows information on commands" (Permission:
- /ins reload "Restarts the plugin (to configure "text.yml")" (Permission: interactive_signs.reload)
- /ins clear "Clears the item in signs within the specified radius" (Permission: interactive_signs.clear)
- /ins refactor "Conversion of the old table format from version 1.2.6, to the new one within a radius of 10 blocks" (Permission: interactive_signs.refactor)

Code (Text):

# True - so players need the “permission_can_use_signs” permission to insert items into the signs.
# False - so all players can insert items into signs
player_need_to_have_permission_to_use_signs: false

# Permission required to insert items into the signs
permission_can_use_signs: "interactive_signs.use"

## Settings for protection plugins
# HuskClaims
  flag_id: "items_on_signs"

# Lands
  flag_id: "items_on_signs"
  flag_name: "Items on signs"
  flag_material: "SPRUCE_HANGING_SIGN"
  flag_description: "Flag that allows you to insert and take items from the tablets"

If there are any problems, suggestions. You can write them in my discord server. I try to take into account every opinion of the players of my plugin.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 507
First Release: Jan 29, 2025
Last Update: Feb 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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