Message Animator is a simple yet powerful plugin that allows you to display dynamic and customizable messages for your players.
Compatibility: Works seamlessly from
Minecraft 1.18 to 1.21.4.
- Custom Chat Messages: Create personalized and animated messages for events like player join or server announcements.
- Action Bar Messages: Engage players with unique messages in the action bar.
- Boss Bar Animations: Greet players on login with customizable boss bars.
- Titles & Subtitles: Display dynamic titles and subtitles for greetings or special events.
- Song Playback: Play sounds or music for player interactions, such as logging in.
- MiniMessage Support: Add rich formatting with gradients, colors, and interactive text.
- Download the plugin .jar file from Spigot, BuiltByBit, or Polymart.
- Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder.
- Restart your server.
- The plugin works out of the box with default settings.
/ma reload Reloads the plugin's configuration.
Important Notes on Placeholders
- Supported Placeholders: The plugin supports placeholders like %luckperms_prefix%, %player_name%, and more.
- HEX Color Limitations: Placeholders with HEX in the &# format are not supported. Use # instead.
✅ <#FF5733>This is supported</#FF5733>
❌ <&#FF5733>This is not supported</&#FF5733>
For advanced customization, refer to the
MiniMessage Documentation.
Suggestions & Feedback
Got ideas for new features or improvements? Share them on our
GitHub Issues. Your feedback is highly appreciated and helps make
Message Animator even better!