LifeSteal Plugin A lightweight, configurable plugin introducing a unique LifeSteal mechanic to your Minecraft server!
Features ✅
LifeSteal Mechanic: Gain hearts by defeating other players in PvP!
Heart Items: Withdraw hearts into items, trade them, and redeem later.
Fully Configurable: Adjust max/min health, item names, and messages via `config.yml`.
Adventure MiniMessage Support: Use rich text formatting for messages and action bars.
Lightweight & Performance-Optimized: Scales seamlessly for small and large servers alike.
Commands & Permissions
/withdrawheart <amount>
Withdraw hearts into items.
/resethearts <player>
Reset a player's health to default.
/lifestealplugin reload
Reloads the config
How It Works Death Mechanics: Players lose
1 heart (2 health) upon death, while the killer gains
1 heart (if below max health).
Heart Items: Players can withdraw hearts as items, which can then be redeemed or traded with others.
Configuration Easily configure the plugin via the included `config.yml` file.
Code (YAML):
# Maximum and minimum health values (in whole hearts) max-health: 20
min-health: 1
# Custom heart item display name heart-item-name: "&c&lHeart"
# Messages with Adventure MiniMessage support messages:
no_hearts: "<red>You don't have enough hearts to withdraw!" redeemed: "<green>You redeemed <gold>%amount%</gold> heart(s)!" reset: "<green>Player <yellow>%player%</yellow>'s hearts have been reset."
Credits The
design and mechanics of this plugin were inspired by the LifeSteal Skript:
✩ Simple LifeSteal ✩ Skript -
Author: sluhtie
This plugin is a
Java reimplementation with additional features and optimizations.
Installation 1. Download the `.jar` file.
2. Place it in your server's `/plugins` folder.
3. Start the server and customize the `config.yml` to your needs.
Perfect for PvP-focused gameplay or unique server concepts – scales seamlessly for small and large servers alike!