AntiCopy - this is a plugin that will allow your players to block copying of their map and smithing templates.
/anticopy - lock/unlock an item in your hand. (anticopy.anticopy)
/anticopy reload - reload the plugin config. (anticopy.reload)
/anticopy extra - unlock a template/map even if you are not the owner of the lock. (anticopy.extra)
Code (YAML):
no-permission: "You &cdon't have permission&f to execute this command." reload-success: "Plugin configuration &creloaded&f!" no-item-in-hand: "Your hand &cmust have an item&f to lock." locked: "Item &csuccessfully locked&f for copying!" unlocked: "Item &cunlocked&f for copying." locked-by-other: "This item is &caalready locked&f by another player." lore:
locked: "&fItem &clocked" author: "&fAuthor: &c{author}"