Merge all your chests to one big Storage-System. Search for items, sort your items decide, where to store which item.
As a admin:
Get a storage item with
/storage get storageitem
or create one from your main hand with
/storage create storageitem
Get a storage panel with
/storage get panel
or create one from your main hand with
/storage create panel
Get a storage panel with
/storage get rangeitem
or create one from your main hand with
/storage create rangeitem
As a player:
Now you can click chests with your storage item and add them to it. Place the storage panel and insert your storage item. Now you can see all items in the linked chests and can insert items into it.
The panel has a default range of 5 blocks in each direction, can increase this range by inserting a range item. The range is specified on creation of the range item. You can also change the default range of panel by specifing it at creation. If you no limit, set range to -1.
You also can configure the added chests. Add Blacklists and Whitelists and specify if the items should match nbt data. If the you add a new chest, its content is automatically add to its whitelist, if empty the whitelist ist disabled. The blacklist is disabled by default.
Im planning to create little Wiki, but for now i hope this is enough. If you need help, pls contact me via Discord.
(Required) LunaticLib
If you discover any bugs or have ideas for new features, please don't hesitate to open an Issue on GitHub or contact me on Discord. I appreciate your input!
Discord: janschuri