- PlaceholderAPI must be installed for the plugin to correctly function. Click the placeholders button in the heading to see all the various placeholders you can use within the plugin.
EasyPlaceholders is a lightweight Spigot plugin (1.21+) that allows you to create custom placeholders with conditional outputs, no coding required. It integrates seamlessly with PlaceholderAPI and provides RGB and named color support for dynamic and vibrant customization.
Key Features
- Custom placeholders without coding.
- Conditional outputs with numeric and string comparisons.
- Priority-based multi-type placeholders.
- RGB and named color formatting support.
- Simple commands for managing placeholders (`/ep reload`, `/ep list`).
- Lightweight and highly efficient.
Installation Steps
1. Install PlaceholderAPI on your server.
2. Download and place EasyPlaceholders in your `plugins` folder.
3. Restart your server.
4. Edit `config.yml` to define custom placeholders.
5. Reload configuration with `/ep reload`.
Configuration Highlights
- Use YAML format to define placeholders and their outputs.
- Supports simple and advanced conditions like `==`, `!=`, `>`, and `<`.
- Use RGB colors (e.g., `&#ff0000`) and named colors (e.g., `<red>`).
- Priority system ensures correct placeholder output when multiple conditions overlap.
- Display a player’s rank with RGB colors.
- Set alerts for low health or flying status.
- Format player levels or economy balances dynamically.
- Detailed documentation for installation, configuration, and examples.
- Troubleshooting guides for common issues.
- Community support via Discord and GitHub Issues.
The project is licensed under CC BY-ND.
For more details, visit the full documentation or join the support community!