PlayersSQL - Use MySQL To Store And Synchronize Player Backpack, EnderChest, And Other Data icon

PlayersSQL - Use MySQL To Store And Synchronize Player Backpack, EnderChest, And Other Data -----

Can synchronize data between servers simultaneously

This is a player data synchronization to MySQL database plugin developed based on the 1.20.1 Spigot API. So I don't know if this plugin can be used in other versions of Minecraft servers.
The plugin will synchronize the online player's backpack to the MySQL database every 60 seconds (configurable).
And perform a 1-second (configurable) data synchronization task after the player joined the server to ensure that the data is up-to-date.
Be dependent on:
The synchronizable data is:
  • Player Health
  • Player Fool Level
  • Player Level
  • Player Backpack
  • Player EnderChest
  • /playerssql seeinnew <player> - 查看现在玩家的背包数据(View the current player's backpack data)
  • /playerssql seeinmysql <player> - 查看MySQL里玩家的背包数据(View player backpack data in MySQL)
  • /playerssql save - 保存玩家数据(To save player data)
  • /playerssql reload - 重载插件配置(To reload plugin config)
#MySQL Database Settings
address: 'localhost'
port: '3306'
database: 'database'
username: 'root'
password: 'root'
# Do you want to open debug information
enable: true
# The time for automatically saving data tasks, in seconds
time: 60
# The time for synchronizing data when a player joins, in seconds
syncdelaytime: 1
# GUI title for querying player data
PlayerInvInMySQLTitle: '%player% 在MySQL的背包数据'
PlayerInvInNewTitle: '%player% 现在的背包数据'
# Do you want to enable the Title message
enable: true
# Some messages
syncTitle: '§a同步完成.'
syncSubTitle: '§a现在你可以游玩游戏了~'
inSyncTitle: '§a正在同步数据'
inSyncSubTitle: '§f§n请勿进行其他操作'
failSyncTitle: '§c同步数据失败!!!'
failSyncSubTitle: '§c§n请联系管理员!!!已默认恢复登陆前数据.'
failSync: '§c同步数据失败!!!§c§n请联系管理员!!!已默认恢复登陆前数据.'
reloaded: '§a插件重载成功'
noPlayer: '§c你不是一个玩家!'
noPermisson: '§c没有权限使用'
noPlayerInvData: '§c没有找到 %player% 的背包数据'
failInInspectTable: '§cPlayersSQL_data 数据库表检查出错!!!'
successCreateTable: '§aPlayersSQL_data 数据库表创建成功.'
failCreateTable: '§cPlayersSQL_data 数据库表创建失败!!!'
failInSave: '§c玩家 %player% 的数据保存到MySQL数据库失败!!!'
failInLoad: '§c玩家 %player% 的数据在MySQL数据库载入玩家本身失败!!!'
debugInSave: '§a玩家 %player% 的数据成功保存到MySQL数据库.'
debugInLoad: '§a玩家 %player% 的数据成功在MySQL数据库载入到玩家本身.'
failInCheckInv: '§c查看 %player% 的背包数据失败!!!'

- ALL Commands Use Permission

Some pictures:
QQ20250123-211641.png QQ20250123-211656.png

Thank you for downloading. If there are any bugs, please let me know~
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 75
First Release: Jan 23, 2025
Last Update: Jan 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
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