icon: Sets the icon of the warp to the item you hold in your hand.
display-name: Sets the Display Name of the warp icon. You can use color codes.
Examples: /
warp test /
setwarp test /
deletewarp test /
editwarp icon test - optional: /
editwarp icon test oak_planks /
editwarp display-name test &aThis is a &eTest &awarp
Default Configuration:
Code (YAML):
# --- StupidWarp Configuration ---
# Supports MiniMessage formatting for advanced text styling. # Use the MiniMessage WebUI (https://webui.advntr.dev/) to create custom formatted messages. # Important: Avoid using legacy color codes ('§', '&') within these messages, as they are incompatible. # Note: Legacy color codes are ONLY supported in the 'time-format' option.
# Prefix for all messages sent by the plugin. prefix: "<light_purple>Stupid</light_purple><aqua>Warp</aqua> <gray>|</gray> "
# Date and time format displayed on hover. # Uses Java's DateTimeFormatter patterns. # See: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/format/DateTimeFormatter.html # Example: '§a'dd'§7'.'§a'MM'§7'.'§a'yyyy '§a'HH'§7':'§a'mm will result in something like: 24.10.2023 15:30 time-format: "'§a'dd'§7'.'§a'MM'§7'.'§a'yyyy '§a'HH'§7':'§a'mm"
# Messages sent to the player. # Available Placeholders: # %warp_name% - The identifier name of the warp. # %warp_display_name% - The custom display name of the warp. # %warp_icon% - The item name used as the warp's icon. messages:
# --- Warp Related Messages ---
# Confirmation message sent when initiating warp deletion. # Note: %warp_display_name% and %warp_icon% are NOT available for this message. delete-warp: "<red>You have</red> <aqua>60 Seconds</aqua> <red>to delete the warp with: </red> <yellow>/delwarp confirm</yellow>"
# Message sent upon successful warp deletion. delete-success-warp: "<red>You deleted the warp</red> <yellow>%warp_name%</yellow>"
# Message sent upon successful warp creation. create-warp: "<green>You created the warp</green> <yellow>%warp_name%</yellow>"
# Message sent after teleporting to a warp. teleported-warp: "<green>You have been teleported to</green> <yellow>%warp_name%</yellow>"
# Message sent when trying to create a warp that already exists. already-exists-warp: "<red>The warp</red> <yellow>%warp_name%</yellow> <red>already exists!</red>"
# Message sent when trying to use/edit a warp that doesn't exist. not-found-warp: "<red>The warp</red> <yellow>%warp_name%</yellow> <red>does not exist!</red>"
# Message sent when /delwarp confirm is used without an active deletion. # Note: %warp_display_name% and %warp_icon% are NOT available for this message. no-confirmation-warp: "<red>There is no delete transaction active!</red>"
# Message sent after successfully changing a warp's display name. edit-name-warp: "<green>The name of the warp is now: </green> <yellow>%warp_display_name%</yellow>"
# Message sent after successfully changing a warp's icon. edit-icon-warp: "<green>The new icon of <yellow>%warp_name%</yellow> is now: </green> <yellow>%warp_icon%</yellow>"