SystemHomes icon

SystemHomes -----

Cloud's SystemHomes Plugin

# Seb's SystemHomes Plugin
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A customizable plugin for Minecraft Paper servers. This plugin allows players to sethomes, warps, playerwarps and tpa.

## Features

- Manage homes with `/sethome`, `/home`, and `/homes`.
- Teleport to other players with `/tpa`, `/tpaccept`, and `/tpdeny`.
- Manage warps with `/setwarp`, `/warp`, `/delwarp`, and `/warps`.
- Manage player warps with `/setpwarp`, `/pwarp`, `/delpwarp`, and `/pwarps`.
- Do `/spawn` to `/warp spawn`

## Commands

### TPA Commands
| Command | Description |
| `/tpa <player>` | Request to teleport to another player. |
| `/tpahere <player>` | Request to teleport another player to yourself. |
| `/tpaccept` | Accept a teleport request. |
| `/tpdeny` | Deny a teleport request. |

### Home Commands
| Command | Description |
| `/sethome <name>` | Set a home with a specific name. |
| `/delhome <name>` | Delete a home with a specific name. |
| `/home <name>` | Teleport to a specific home. |
| `/homes` | List all your homes. |

### Warp Commands
| Command | Description |
| `/setwarp <name>` | Set a global warp with a specific name. |
| `/delwarp <name>` | Delete a specific warp. |
| `/warp <name>` | Teleport to a specific warp. |
| `/warps` | List all available warps. |
| `/spawn` | Teleports to the spawn warp. |

### Player Warp Commands
| Command | Description |
| `/setpwarp <name>` | Set a player warp with a specific name. |
| `/delpwarp <name>` | Delete a player warp. |
| `/pwarp <name>` | Teleport to a player warp. |
| `/pwarps` | List all available player warps. |

## Configuration

The plugin's settings can be customized in the `config.yml` file. Below is an example configuration:

teleport_delay: 2
teleport_delay: 2
teleport_delay: 2
max_warps: 3
teleport_delay: 2
request_timeout: 30

## Permissions
Do these even work atm?

| Admin Permission | Description |
| `systemhomes.admin.*` | Grants access to all admin perms. |
| `systemhomes.admin.reload` | Grants access to reload. |
| `systemhomes.admin.warp` | Grants access to set and delete warp. |
| `systemhomes.admin.pwarp` | Grants access to delete and modify all PlayerWarps. |

| Player Permissions (default) | Description |
| `systemhomes.player.*` | Grants access to all player perms. |
| `systemhomes.player.tpa` | Grants access to use tpa and tpahere. |
| `systemhomes.player.home` | Grants access to use and set homes. |
| `systemhomes.player.warp` | Grants access to use warps. |
| `systemhomes.player.pwarp` | Grants access to use, set and delete own playerwarps. |

## Installation

1. Download the plugin's `.jar` file.
2. Place the `.jar` file in your server's `plugins` folder.
3. Restart or reload your server.
4. Edit the `config.yml` file in the `plugins/SystemHomes` folder to customize settings.
5. Use the commands in-game to enjoy the plugin!

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.

## License
[![GNU GPLv3 License](](

This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License. See the `LICENSE` file for details.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48
First Release: Jan 19, 2025
Last Update: Feb 12, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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