Mevsimler is a plugin to add Weather,Season and Calendar to your minecraft server.
One day is one minecraft day (20 min), One week is 7 day, one month is 4 week and one year is 4 month
Every Month has a different season
First Month is Winter
Second Month is Spring
Thirst Month is Summer
Forth Month is Autumm
%mevsim_mevsim% will return current season
%mevsim_hava% will return current weather
Commands And Perms:
/mevsim info - get current weather and season - mevsim.cmd.bilgi
/mevsim setweather - set current weather to arg -
/mevsim setseason - set current season to arg - mevsim.cmd.setseason
Note: args is what you set in your language file
ex: /mevsim setweather Freezing
- Winter:
- In first 2 week, The weather is Freezing
- In last 2 week, The weather is Cold
- Spring:
- In first 2 week, The weather is Cold
- In last 2 week, The weather is Nice
- Summer:
- In first week, The weather is Warm
- In second week, The weather is Hot
- In last 2 week, The weather is Scorching
- Autumm:
- In first 2 week, The weather is Warm
- In last 2 week, The weather is Cold
Effects And Weathers:
- Nice:
- All players will have Regeneration I effect
- Leaves dont fall
- Warm:
- Hot:
- All players will have Strength I effect
- Walking on sand will give damage to players
- Cold:
- All players will have Slowness I effect
- Placed waters will convert into ice
- Swimming in water will freeze you
- Crops and trees dont grow and grass dont spread
- Scorching:
- All players will have Mining Fatigue I effect
- Walking on sand will give damage to players
- Walking with armor will give damage to players
- Placed waters will evaporate
- Freezing:
- All players will have Weaknes I and Slowness I effects
- Walking on ice or snow will give damage to players
- Walking without armor will give damage to players
- Swimming in water will give damage to players
- Placed waters will convert into ice
- Crops and trees dont grow, grass dont spread and animals dont make love
you can joing my discord server to get help or for suggestion