Customizable Banknotes: Create custom banknotes with configurable denominations and CustomModelData.
Duplicate Banknote Detection: Prevent players from claiming duplicate notes. If a duplicate is detected, the player is kicked from the server to ensure fair play.
Permission System: Fine-grained permissions to control who can create, withdraw, and manage banknotes, including special permissions for withdrawing banknotes for other players.
Vault Integration: Fully integrated with Vault-based economy plugins to ensure smooth financial transactions.
Flexible Configuration: Customizable limits and settings for denominations, withdrawal amounts, and more.
betternote.use- Access to commands.
withdraw[/B] <amount>[B] - Create a banknote.
withdraw <amount><player> - Create a banknote for another player.
deposit - Deposit the banknote in your hand.
info - See info about the banknote in your hand or about your account.
reload - Reload your BetterNotes config.
Other permissions:
betternote.override.maxunclaimednotes - Overrides the maxUnClaimedNotes limit.
betternote.override.customdenominations - Overrides the set customDenominations.
betternote.override.maxAmount - Overrides the set max withdrawal amount.
betternote.override.fundsrequired - Overrides the requirement to have enough funds in your balance.
Code (YAML):
currencyPrefix: "$"# Prefixed default:
name: "&a&lBank Note" material: PAPER
# If customDenominations is enabled this property will be overwritten. modelData: 1
# If customDenominations is enabled this property will be overwritten. lore:
- "&7Amount: &e%amount%" - "&7Creator: &b%creator%" withdraw:
maxAmount: 5000
minAmount: 100
maxNotes: 15
customDenominations: false
- 1:
modelData: 2
material: PAPER
- 10:
modelData: 3
material: PAPER
- 100:
modelData: 4
material: PAPER
The development of this plugin has been supported by MCBusinesscraft. Play today on 1.20! [ICODE][/ICODE]