NoBypass - Velocity icon

NoBypass - Velocity -----

security, velocity

NoBypass Plugin
NoBypass is a Minecraft plugin designed to enhance server security by validating player connections based on allowed domains and reserved UUIDs. The plugin provides administrators with robust tools to prevent unauthorized access, ensure compliance with server policies, and integrate notifications via Discord webhooks.

✨ Features
  • Domain Validation: Restrict connections to specific, pre-approved domains.
  • UUID Reservation: Validate players by matching their UUIDs against reserved UUIDs for specific usernames.
  • Customizable Webhook Notifications: Notify administrators of blocked connections via Discord, with detailed messages including player details, reason for denial, and more.
  • Multi-language Support: Includes support for English, Spanish, and French messages.
  • Debug Mode: Provides detailed logging for troubleshooting and server management.

⚙️ Configuration
The plugin generates a config.yml file upon first use, which can be customized to suit your server's needs.

️ Commands and Permissions Commands
  • /nobypass reload: Reloads the plugin's configuration and language files.
  • nobypass.reload: Grants access to reload the plugin configuration.
  • nobypass.notify: Get notifications
How It Works
  1. Connection Validation: When a player connects, the plugin checks if their domain matches one of the allowed domains. If not, they are denied access with a customizable kick message.
    UUID Check: If UUID reservation is enabled, the plugin ensures the player's UUID matches the reserved UUID for their username.
  2. Webhook Notifications: If a connection is blocked, administrators receive a Discord notification with the details.
  1. Download: Get the latest version of the plugin from SpigotMC. Install: Place the NoBypass.jarfile into your server's plugins directory.
    Start the Server
    : Launch or restart your server to generate the configuration files.
    Customize: Edit the config.ymlfile to configure the plugin to your server's needs.
  2. Reload: Use /nobypass reload to apply changes without restarting the server.
Webhook Notifications The plugin supports Discord webhooks to notify administrators of blocked connections. Customize the notification format and embed color directly in the configuration file.

  • Minecraft Versions: Fully compatible with Velocity-based servers running versions 1.8 to 1.21.4.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 34
First Release: Jan 16, 2025
Last Update: Jan 17, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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