Evidence that I can upload
Create your clone set the parameters and build!
Are you tired that your constructions are not symmetrical? Do you take too long to build?
Now, with our plugin you can avoid what makes you so tired.
With MyCloneBuilder, you can create constructions much faster and symmetrical with the help of Clones, who copy your actions, and without causing any delay to your server or users.
This plugin requires
Citizens as a dependency.
/clone add r:<rotation|required: 90/180/270> m:<mirror|optional: north/south/west/oest> n:name
/clone add r:180 x:<x relative to player> y:<y relative to player> z:<z relative to player> n:name
/clone remove - With this command you can delete one of your clones with its id, which you can obtain using /clone list.
/clone list - Command to see the list of active clones that person contains.
/clone stop [name] - With this command you can turn off all the clones of a person. (In case the name is not entered, your clones will be deleted)
/clone stopall - With this command you can remove all clones that are on the server.
/clone save [name] - save your clones for later use
/clone pause - Pause the clone
/clone unpause - Unpause the clone
/clone load - load the saved clones to use them
/clone reload - Command to reload your plugin.
myclonebuilder.help - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder command
myclonebuilder.add - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder add command
myclonebuilder.remove - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder remove command
myclonebuilder.list - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder list command
myclonebuilder.stop - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder stop command
myclonebuilder.stopall - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder stopall command
myclonebuilder.save - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder save command
myclonebuilder.pause - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder pause command
myclonebuilder.unpause - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder unpause command
myclonebuilder.load - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder load command
myclonebuilder.reload - Allows use of the /myclonebuilder reload command
Spoiler: config.yml
Code (YAML):
# ------------------------------------ #
# MyCloneBuilder config.yml
# ------------------------------------ #
# Plugin's prefix
"&8[&aMyCloneBuilder&8]&r "
main_command :
"Main MyCloneBuilder command"
: -
Spoiler: translates.yml
Code (YAML):
messages :
"&cYou dont have permission!"
"&6✪ &a&lMyCloneBuilder &6✪ &8- &6Admin Commands"
"&b[] &8- &7Optional argument &b<> &8- &7Required argument"
For support, please use only resource discussion
Terms of Service
By using this plugin, you agree to the following terms, which may be updated by the author at any time.
All payments are final and non-refundable.
Redistribution or resale of this plugin is prohibited.
You are not permitted to modify, decompile, or extract any part of the plugin's source code.
Support is provided exclusively to legitimate customers. We cannot offer support for plugins obtained through unauthorized or illegal means.