ServerSelector plugin is a highly customizable tool designed for Minecraft servers, allowing players to easily navigate between different servers within a network. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:
GUI (Graphical User Interface): The plugin provides an intuitive and visually appealing interface for players to select servers. It often includes clickable icons or buttons representing different servers, enhancing the user experience.
Fully Configurable: Server administrators can customize nearly every aspect of the plugin, including the look, functionality, and server options, ensuring it fits the server's theme and needs.
Unlimited Servers: The plugin supports an unlimited number of servers, making it ideal for large networks. Players can quickly choose from a variety of servers, whether for minigames, survival, or other gameplay modes.
PlaceholderAPI Support: ServerSelector integrates with PlaceholderAPI, allowing dynamic placeholders to be displayed within the GUI. This can include custom information like player stats, server status, or other real-time data, making the experience more interactive and personalized.
ServerSelector plugin requires
PlaceholderAPI to function properly.
/serverselector list
/serverselector reload
Permissions - Allows use of the /serverselector command
serverselector.command.list - Allows use of the /serverselector list command
serverselector.command.reload - Allows use of the /serverselector reload command
Code (YAML):
enabled: true
material: COMPASS
data: 0
slot: 0
name: '&aGame Menu &7
(Right Click
lore: - '&7Right-click to bring up the Game Menu!'
Code (YAML):
no-permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command!'
title: '&8Server Selector'
list: '&f&oOpen server list gui'
reload: '&f&oReloads the plugin'
reload-success: '&aSuccessfully reloaded!'
reload-fail: '&cA serious error occurred during reloading'