EnColaMobs – Optimize your server performance like never before!
Tired of hostile mobs mindlessly piling up all over your world, consuming valuable server resources and affecting performance? It's time to revolutionize your experience with **EnColaMobs**!
## What is EnColaMobs?
**EnColaMobs** is an innovative plugin designed to improve the performance of your Minecraft server. Its **mob spawn queue** system intelligently manages how and when hostile mobs spawn for players. This allows:
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Optimize server performance** by avoiding the massive generation of scattered mobs.
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Reduce resource consumption** to the maximum, keeping the world clean of unnecessary mobs.
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Spawn mobs in a controlled and balanced way, appearing only when necessary.
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Smart spawning:** Mobs are spawned avoiding structures built by players, protecting buildings.
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Night spawning:** Mobs appear only at night, simulating natural behavior.
## ️
How does it work?
- Hostile mobs are **
spawned individually per player**, with each player spawning randomly.
- Each player will receive mobs with a **c
onfigurable delay**, avoiding overloading the server.
- Once a player kills the mobs that have spawned, the system automatically assigns mobs to the next player in the queue.
- This system of only spawning to one player at a time and then when the mobs die, they will respawn to the next player has shown an impressive decrease in resources, especially on servers with many players.
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There will never be mobs walking aimlessly**, which eliminates wasted resources on mobs that no one interacts with.
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Building Detection:** Mobs will never spawn inside buildings or protected areas, avoiding interruptions in important areas.
## Recommended Settings
To get the most out of **EnColaMobs**, it's essential to adjust Minecraft's default mob spawn settings. Follow these steps:
1. **Open the `bukkit.yml`** file on your server.
2. Locate the `spawn-limits` section and **reduce to minimum** the values for:
monsters: 1
animals: 1
water-animals: 1
water-ambient: 1
water-underground-creature: 1
axolotls: 1
ambient: 1
3. This will **
prevent natural spawning** of mobs, leaving **EnColaMobs** in full control of the spawning of hostile mobs.
## ⚙️
Full Customization
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Configurable Delay:** Adjust the time between each mob spawn for each player.
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Allowed Mob Types:** Configure which mobs you want to spawn.
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Spawn Distance:** Define how far away from the player the mobs will spawn.
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Night Spawn:** Mobs will only spawn at night, maintaining immersion.
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Building Protection:** Intelligent system that prevents spawning in player-created structures.
Why choose EnColaMobs?
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Improved performance:** Optimize CPU and memory usage.
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More control:** Decide how and when mobs appear.
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Balanced gaming experience:** Your server's resources are precious
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Efficiency:** Make your server run more efficiently, with less lag and an optimized gaming experience.
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Easy to set up:** Compatible with recent versions of Minecraft.