This Spigot plugin synchronizes the player's XP bar with a PlaceholderAPI placeholder. It removes vanilla player's experience and updates their XP bar in real-time according to the value of the specified placeholder.
- Syncs player's XP bar with a PlaceholderAPI placeholder.
- If the placeholder is an integer (e.g. 5), it updates the player's XP level text.
- If the placeholder is a float (e.g. 5.25), it updates both the XP level and the progress bar.
- Allows customizable placeholder and update rate via configuration.
- Automatically updates the XP bar at a specified interval.
- Includes a reload command to reload the configuration without restarting the server.
Commands & Permissions:
/xps-reload - Reloads the configuration ("xpplaceholdersync.reload" permission required, or operator permission)
Code (YAML):
# The placeholder from PlaceholderAPI that will replace the XP level, and the bar completion percentage
# The placeholder mustn't contain the "%". For example, "%server_online%" would be "server_online"
# The time in seconds between each update of the XP bar and text
: 5