The plugin requires PacketEvents as a dependency.
Plugin Introduction
FantasyArmor lets you create a set of armor appearances for display only. The display armor is independent of your actual gear, so other players will always see the set appearance you choose, regardless of what you’re wearing.
The plugin modifies the armor appearance by intercepting equipment packets, ensuring your actual stats remain unchanged and protecting your real equipment from being revealed.
Command Permissions
/armor save - Set the current equipment as the display armor.
/armor clear - Reset the display armor and revert to default.
/armor reload - Reload the configuration file.
fantasyarmor.use - Player permission
fantasyarmor.reload - Admin permission
After setting up your display armor, remember to wear or remove armor, or rejoin the server to refresh the equipment data.
Due to game settings, you need to wear at least one piece of armor to ensure the set displays correctly.
Usage Guide
Wear the equipment you want to set as your display armor.
Enter /armor save to save the armor as your display appearance.
After a success message, you can freely change your equipment, and others will always see the display armor you set earlier.
Image Preview
Configuration File
Code (YAML):
# Language Text # EN messages:
prefix: "&7[FA]&f " set-success: "Virtual armor set successfully. You need to wear at least one piece of equipment for proper display." clear-success: "Virtual armor reset successfully. Please wear or remove armor to refresh." clear-failure: "You have not set virtual armor yet." invalid-command: "Correct command: /armor <set|clear|reload>" reload-success: "Configuration file reloaded successfully." only-players: "&cThis command can only be executed by players."