ChatAI is a powerful plugin that brings a conversational AI assistant directly to your Minecraft server. Engage your players with an intelligent chatbot that understands and responds to their messages, creating an immersive and interactive experience.
Use the
/chatai command to start a conversation with ChatAI. Simply type anything in the chat, and the bot will respond. To end the conversation, use the
/chatai command again.
No API Key Required! Skip the hassle of setup—ChatAI is ready to use right out of the box without the need for an API key.
Unlimited Requests! Interact with the AI assistant as much as you want, with no limits on the number of requests.
Adding a system prompt in the config would be a great way to customize the AI's personality. For example, you could define something like: "You are a chatbot for a Minecraft server. If someone writes X, you should respond with Y." This can be configured using the preambleOverride option in config.yml.
Commands and Permissions
/chatai start — Start chatting with the AI assistant. (Permission: chatai.use)
/chatai leave — Leave the chat with the AI assistant. (Permission: chatai.use)
/chatai clear — Clear the chat. (Permission: chatai.use)
/chatai reload — Reload the plugin's configuration files. (Permission: chatai.reload)
Code (YAML):
startSound: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" deleteSound: "ANVIL_LAND" actionBar: true
enabled: true
# Enable tool support. If set to false, AI will not use commands. endConversationOnCommand: true
# If true, the conversation will end after a command is executed. parameters:
maxTokens: "600" preambleOverride: "You are a Minecraft assistant developed by the NameServer team. Your primary role is to assist players on the NameServer server by providing help with executing commands and offering guidance on gameplay-related questions. Respond as briefly as possible while remaining clear and helpful." temperature: "0.5" topP: "0.7" topK: "0"
Code (Text):
"name": "command",
"description": "Executes Minecraft commands for players on the server.",
"parameterDefinitions": {
"command": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The Minecraft command to execute. In this case, only the '/menu', '/warp pvp', '/top', '/balance', '/rules' command is allowed."
"arguments": {
"type": "array",
"description": "No arguments needed for this command."
Code (YAML):
noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command." configReload: "&aConfigurations reloaded successfully!" chatStart: "&aYou Have Started a conversation with Chat AI, Say Hi.\n&7&l(Leave from chat - /chatbot)" chatLeave: "&cYou have left the chat." chatNotFound: "&cChat history not found!" chatDeleted: "&cThe chat history has been deleted." format:
you: "&eYOU: &f%message%" ai: "&bAI: &r%response%" creatingResponse: "&e&lBot thinks" error: "&cAn error occurred while processing your message."