What is BrokenDrops? BrokenDrops is a plugin that allows you to directly retrieve the drop of broken blocks. ===============================================
- Install the plugin in the "plugins" folders of your Spigot servers - Launch your server for the first time - Then configure the configs as you wish
Spigot's Config
Code (YAML):
plugin: true
enable: true
prefix: "&8[&3Broken&eDrops&8] " start-message: "&aThe Plugin is enabled." close-message: "&cThe Plugin is disabled." full-message: "&cYour inventory is full!" sound: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
However, the plugin only gives wheat on wheat shoots, foliage only gives foliage and glasses do not break, they are recoverable. In addition, if your inventory is full (there are no more free slots) the plugin acts so that you cannot recover anything even if you have the space to fill your stack. If these issues really pose a problem, it can be reworked!