️SlimAC - Lightweight & Efficient AntiCheat SlimAC is a powerful and lightweight anti-cheat solution designed for Minecraft servers running versions 1.8.8 to 1.21. Currently in active development, it offers precise cheat detection with minimal false positives.
# =========================================== # Alert System Configuration # =========================================== alerts: # Enable or disable the alert system enabled: true
# Permission required to receive and manage alerts permission: "slimac.alerts"
# =========================================== # Violation Management # =========================================== violations: # Whether to reset violations when a player disconnects # true: Violations are cleared on disconnect # false: Violations persist between sessions reset-on-disconnect: true
# Maximum violations before taking action # Increase this value if you experience false positives max-violations: 20
# =========================================== # Database Configuration # =========================================== database: # Database type to use # Options: "sqlite" or "mysql" # SQLite: Lightweight, file-based database (recommended for small servers) # MySQL: Better for larger servers or server networks type: "sqlite"
# MySQL Configuration # Only used if type is set to "mysql" mysql:
host: "localhost" port: 3306
database: "anticheat" username: "root" password: "" # Advanced connection options advanced:
useSSL: false
allowPublicKeyRetrieval: true
serverTimezone: "UTC"
# =========================================== # Ping Management # =========================================== ping: # Enable or disable ping checking enabled: true
# Maximum allowed ping in milliseconds # Players exceeding this will trigger defined actions max-ping: 500
# How often to check player ping (in seconds) check-interval: 5
# Actions to take when ping exceeds limit actions: # Whether to kick players with high ping kick: true
# Kick message (supports color codes) # Variables: {max-ping}, {ping} kick-message: "&cKicked for High Ping\n&fMaximum allowed: &e{max-ping}ms\n&fYour ping: &e{ping}ms" # Notify staff members about high ping notify-staff: true
# Optional command to execute # Variables: {player}, {ping}, {max-ping} # Leave empty to disable command: ""
# Permission to bypass ping checks bypass-permission: "slimac.ping.bypass"
# =========================================== # Ping Compensation System # =========================================== ping-compensation: # Enable or disable ping compensation enabled: true
# Maximum compensation in milliseconds # Prevents excessive compensation for very high ping max-compensation: 150
# Compensation mode # ADAPTIVE: Dynamically adjusts based on ping history # FIXED: Uses current ping value directly mode: "ADAPTIVE"
# Compensation factor (0.0 to 1.0) # 1.0: Full compensation # 0.5: Half compensation # 0.0: No compensation compensation-factor: 0.75
# Number of ping values to keep in history # Used for adaptive compensation calculations history-size: 20
# Update interval in server ticks (20 ticks = 1 second) update-interval: 1
# Enable detailed debug logging debug: false
Code (YAML):
# =========================================== # SlimSpeedCheck Config # =========================================== # Author: wwishh # Version: 1.0.0 # # This configuration file controls all aspects of the SpeedCheck system. # Each section is thoroughly documented to help you understand and customize # the plugin to your needs. speed: # =========================================== # Basic Speed Check Configuration # ===========================================
# Maximum speed a player can move in blocks per second # Default: 6.0 # - Normal walking speed is about 4.3 # - Sprinting speed is about 5.6 # - Speed I potion adds about 20% more speed # Recommended range: 6.0 - 7.0 for normal servers max-speed: 6.0
# Additional speed allowance for players with high ping # This helps prevent false positives for players with lag # Default: 0.3 # - 0.5 means 50% more speed is allowed for compensation # - Higher values are more lenient but may allow some cheating # Recommended range: 0.3 - 0.7 ping-compensation: 0.3
# Number of violations before taking action # Default: 15 # - Lower values trigger punishments faster but may cause false positives # - Higher values are more lenient but allow more potential violations # Recommended range: 15-25 for normal servers max-violations: 15
# Grace period after joining (in seconds) # This prevents false positives during server join lag # Default: 5 # - Players won't be checked during this period after joining # Recommended range: 5-15 seconds grace-period: 5
# =========================================== # Vehicle Configuration # =========================================== vehicles: # Whether to check players in vehicles # Default: false - Vehicles will be ignored check-vehicles: false
# Ban message configuration ban-message: # Enable or disable the ban message # Default: true enabled: true
# Message format when a player is caught # Use & for color codes # Available variables: # {player} - The player's name # {check} - The type of check that caught them # {speed} - Their detected speed # {max-speed} - The maximum allowed speed lines: -
"&8&l&m----------------------------------------" -
"" -
"&c&lSLIMAC" -
"&7A player has been detected hacking" -
"" - "&fPlayer: &c{player}" - "&fReason: &c{check}" - "&fSpeed: &c{speed} &7
: {max-speed
})" - "" - "&8&l&m
# Sound effect configuration sound: # Enable or disable sound effects # Default: true enabled: true # The sound to play # Common values: WITHER_DEATH, ANVIL_LAND, ENDERDRAGON_GROWL type: "WITHER_DEATH
" # Sound volume (0.0 - 1.0) volume: 1.0 # Sound pitch (0.5 - 2.0) pitch: 1.0
# =========================================== # Punishment Configuration # =========================================== actions: # Whether to kick players when caught # Default: true kick: true
# Kick message format # Available variables: {speed}, {max-speed} kick-message: "&cKicked for Speed\n&fDetected speed
: &e{speed}\n&fMaximum speed
: &e{max-speed}"
# Commands to execute when a player is caught # {player} will be replaced with the player's name commands: -
"tempban {player} 30m Speed"
# =========================================== # Advanced Check Configuration # =========================================== checks: # Whether to check vertical movement # Default: false # - Set to true to also check jumping/falling speed ignore-vertical: false
# Whether to ignore players who are flying # Default: true # - Recommended to keep true to prevent false positives ignore-flying: true
# =========================================== # Slime Block Handling # =========================================== slime-blocks: # How far to check for slime blocks # Default: 2 # - Higher values are more accurate but use more resources detection-radius: 2
# Speed multiplier when in air after bouncing # Default: 2.5 # - How much faster players can move after a slime bounce air-multiplier: 2.5
# Speed multiplier when on slime blocks # Default: 1.3 ground-multiplier: 1.3
# Grace period after bouncing (milliseconds) # Default: 1000 (1 second) # - How long to allow higher speeds after bouncing post-bounce-grace: 1000
# How much to reduce violation buffer after bouncing # Default: 2 bounce-buffer-reduction: 2
# Minimum vertical velocity to count as a bounce # Default: 0.5 min-bounce-velocity: 0.5
# LowHop specific punishments actions:
kick: true
kick-message: "&cKicked for LowHop\n&fDetected height: &e{height}" commands: -
"tempban {player} 15m LowHop"
Installation: 1. Download both plugins (SlimAPI.jar and SlimSpeedCheck.jar)
2. Place them in your plugins folder
3. Restart your server
4. Configure as needed
Supported Versions: - Tested from 1.8.8 to 1.21
- Primary version: 1.8.8
Updates: - Regular updates planned
- Active development
- Community feedback welcomed
Future Plans: - More check types
- Advanced configuration options
- Premium version with exclusive features
Note: This is a beta release. While stable, new features and improvements are actively being developed. If you have problems with false positives or any plugin bugs, please feel free to contact me.