InstaCraft icon

InstaCraft -----

A plugin that allows players to instantly craft items using a simple command.

InstaCraft is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to instantly craft items with a simple command. Whether you're an admin who wants to speed up the crafting process or a player looking to easily craft items, InstaCraft is here to make your Minecraft experience more convenient and efficient.

  • Customizable Messages: Personalize messages for various actions through the configuration file, providing a tailored experience for your server.
  • Instant Crafting: Craft any item instantly with the /craft <item> command.
  • Material Validation: The plugin checks if the selected item can actually be crafted based on the available materials.
  • /craft <item>: Instantly craft the specified item.
  • /craft reload: Reload the plugin’s configuration file.
  • instacraft.use: Allows the player to craft items instantly with /craft.
  • instacraft.reload: Allows the player to reload the plugin’s configuration with /craft reload.
InstaCraft is highly customizable through the config.yml file, where you can adjust crafting messages. Below is a sample configuration:
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# InstaCraft Configuration
# by SandBytes
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Found a bug? Submit an issue in
# and I will be glad to fix it as soon as possible. Thank you!
# --------------------------------------------------------------

# Messages displayed to players
usage: "&cUsage: %command%"
invalid_item: "&cInvalid item: %item%"
cannot_craft: "&c%item% cannot be crafted"
missing_materials: "&cYou don't have the required materials to craft a %item%"
crafted_success: "&aYou crafted a %item%"
reload_success: "&aConfig.yml has been reloaded"
no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command (%permission%)"
player_only: "&cThis command is only for players"

You can contact me on Discord marcifyx if you need assistance or want to suggest features for the plugin.

Found a Bug? Submit an issue by clicking HERE and I will be glad to fix it as soon as possible.

Leaving a nice review would be appreciated and will encourage me to make more plugins in the future.

Please DON'T post bug reports/suggestions in the review section.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 62
First Release: Jan 6, 2025
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings