Before purchasing this plugin, please note that it is currently undergoing a rewrite. The reason for the rewrite is to resolve Minecraft version compatibility issues. The current version only supports 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.19.1, and 1.21.4. The rewritten version will support all Minecraft versions.
Do you own a Minecraft server? Are you tired of the same-old boring Players joining and leaving? because you don't have enough players online, Do you want to make your server stand out? If you answered yes to all these questions, this plugin is perfect for you.
FakeTab is an advanced, yet simple-to-use plugin that adds players in tab and brings features to your server such as players in tab, tab completion , custom messages, placeholders, live time players and more! FakeTab fits every type of server, from adding spice to your server to making your server look more interesting.
☞ Features:
» Easy configuration.
» Full configurable.
» Tab Completion.
» Server List Players Count.
» FakePlayers.
» Modify Ping.
Code (YAML):
ticks_before_enable: 3
Code (YAML):
no_permission: '&cInsufficient permission!'
success: '&aAdded fake player &r
}&a with group &r
}&a and &r
}&a ping to the tab list'
name_taken: '&cThere already is a FakePlayer with the name &r
unknown_group: '&cNo group with name &r
}&c is registered'
success: '&aRemoved fake player &r
}&a from the tab list'
unknown_fake_player: '&cNo fake player with name &r
}&c is registered'
reload-success: '&aSuccessfully reloaded!'
reload-fail: '&cA serious error occurred during reloading'
» /Tab add [:] [] [] - Adds a player on tab [group] works with NameTagEdit plugin only. or leave it empty
» /Tab remove - Remove the player you added on tab case sensitive
» /Tab list - how many FakePlayers you have added
» Faketab.command - Allow to use all plugin function
☞ PlaceholderAPI
» %faketab_count% = the number of fakeplayers
» %faketab_count+real_count% = number of fakeplayers + number of real players
» %faketab_count+visible_count% = number of fakeplayers + number of players visible to the player that the placeholder is parsed for
» /Tab add Bob creates FakePlayer with name Bob, skin of Bob, no group and 0 ping
» /Tab add Bob:Tom creates FakePlayer with name Bob, skin of Tom, no group and 0 ping
» /Tab add Bob 300 creates FakePlayer with name Bob, skin of Bob, no group and 300 ping
» /Tab add Bob:Tom 123 Builder creates FakePlayer with name Bob, skin of Tom, group Builder and 123 ping
For support, please use only resource discussion
Terms of Service By using this plugin, you agree to the following terms, which may be updated by the author at any time.
All payments are final and non-refundable.
Redistribution or resale of this plugin is prohibited.
You are not permitted to modify, decompile, or extract any part of the plugin's source code.
Support is provided exclusively to legitimate customers. We cannot offer support for plugins obtained through unauthorized or illegal means.