RP Extensions icon

RP Extensions -----

A simple plugin dedicated to adding simple, but needed, Role Playing elements to any Spigot server.

What is RP Extensions?

RP Extensions is a simple plugin dedicated to adding simple, but needed, Role Playing elements to any spigot server. This plugin is specially designed for RP servers that need that extra layer of realism.


What's in RP Extensions?

  • A physically based money storage system for those physical economy servers complete with ATM machines!
  • A thirst system so your users can finally have a use for those water bottles (along with a /quench command for admin use)
  • A basic chair system! Use blocks of your choice as a chair!
  • Rest requirements. Make sure you get a good nights sleep!
  • Permissions enabled! Use with a permission plugin of your choice!
  • Essentials integrated!
  • Vault integrated!
  • Fully configurable for selecting the features you wish to have active
Other features that are planned are:
  • Job system so your users have something to do
  • Multi-verse integration for World Specific player data
  • Physical mailbox and delivery service
  • Anything that you suggest that we like!
Commands and Permissions
  • rpext.* : All permission for everything (op only by default)
  • rpext.read : allow use of /stats. Everyone by default.
  • rpext.checkstats : allows users to check eachother's stats
  • rpext.statmonitor: allows users to spawn in a stat monitor item
  • rpext.setstats: allows users to set the stats of others
  • rpext.gstore : allow users to store gold. Only by permission.
  • rpext.gtake : allow users to take gold. Only by permission.
  • rpext.gtransfer : allows users to transfer gold. Only by permission.
  • rpext.ggive : allows users to give gold. Only by permission
  • rpext.gset : allows users to set others accounts. Only by permission
  • rpext.quench : allow users to quench their own thirst. Only by permission.
  • rpext.quench.others: allows users to quench other's thirst
  • rpext.createatm : allow users to create atm machines at will. Create a sign with [rpAtm] as the first line to create a machine.
  • rpext.sleep : allows users to satiate their sleep requirements
  • rpext.sleep.others: allows users to satiate the sleep requirement of others.
  • rpext.convertEcon : allows users to convert the economy system from RP Extensions native to Vault (Useful for migrating in the future)
  • /stats: Displays user stats
  • /checkstats [player]: Displays stats of the specified player.
  • /statmonitor: Spawns a stat monitor item for easy thirst and sleep tracking
  • /setstats [player] [thirst] [sleep]: Sets the thirst and sleep values of a specified player
  • /gstore [amount] : stores a specified amount of gold nuggets at an ATM.
  • /gtake [amount] : takes a specified amount of gold nuggets at an ATM.
  • /gtransfer [player] [amount]: transfers the specified amount of gold nuggets to [player]'s account
  • /gset [player] [amount]: sets the [player]'s bank account to the specified amount
  • /quench ([player]): quenches the thirst of the command sender.
  • /sleep ([player]): Simulates sleeping on the user (resets sleepiness to 20)
  • /convertEcon : converts the economy data of a server to Vault
Notes for use:
The economy system, as it uses a physical item, rounds currency to the nearest whole number and does not support decimal currency.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 102
First Release: Jan 6, 2025
Last Update: Jan 26, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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