ItemColorGradient Plugin
Bring your items to life with stunning color gradients! The
ItemColorGradient plugin allows players to set vibrant gradient colors on item names, giving your items a unique and eye-catching look. Designed for flexibility and ease of use, this plugin is perfect for servers that want to add a touch of customization and style to their gameplay experience.
- Gradient Colors: Apply beautiful gradients between two colors on any item name.
- Custom Names: Rename items with custom names while applying color gradients.
- Automatic Bold Effect: Enhance your gradients with bold text automatically.
- ✅ HEX Color Support: Use precise HEX codes (e.g., #FF5733) for gradient colors.
- Permission Control: Only players with the appropriate permissions can use the command.
- Player-Friendly Commands: Easy-to-use commands for players to customize items quickly.
- /setcolor <new name> <color1> <color2>
- Description: Renames the item in your hand and applies a gradient between two specified colors.
- Example: /setcolor AwesomeSword #FF0000 #0000FF
- Result: The item is renamed to "AwesomeSword" with a red-to-blue gradient.
- setcolor.admin
- Allows the use of the /setcolor command.
- Download the ItemColorGradient plugin .jar file.
- Place the .jar file in your server's plugins folder.
- Restart or reload your server.
- Enjoy customizing your items with gradients!
- Minecraft Server Version: 1.16 or higher (supports HEX colors).
- Java Version: 8 or higher.
- Hold the item you want to customize in your hand.
- Use the /setcolor command with your desired name and gradient colors.
- Enjoy your newly customized item!