What that plugin do?
• This is simple plugin that allow you to announce your player that you or something else is live!
How to use this?
• Just type /live <url> (replace <url> with your link of live stream)
Default Config
Code (Text):
no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
usage: "&cUsage: /live <url>"
live_message: "&r\n&c%player% &f is currently live!"
reload: "&aLivePlugin configuration reloaded successfully."
cooldown_message: "&cYou must wait %time% before using this command again."
cooldown_time: 300 # Time in seconds (300 seconds = 5 minutes)
You can change messages by your language!
cooldown_time (how many use need to wait for next command use)
/live • live.use
/livereload • live.reload