A simple plugin to store items
This plugin only does:
- Name the barrel
- Select the barrel to open by barrel name
Probably works with most versions
Place barrels for storage
Give the barrel a name like "TERMINAL ?????"
Place the terminal near storage
How to use
At the terminal:
LMB on an empty slot:
when empty : Open Menu
when there is an item : Put items away in designated barrels
RMB on outside: Free up unused barrels
SHIFT+RMB on item : Open storage containing the same item
At Menu:
RMB with item / on item : Edit menu
LMB on item : Open storage
LMB on an empty slot / on outside: next page
RMB on an empty slot / on outside: previous page
SHIFT + LMB on item : Open filter editor
At Storage / At Filter editor :
Basically the same as vanilla
LMB on an empty slot / on outside: next page
RMB on an empty slot / on outside: previous page
LMB on outside When there is no next page : make new page
Items set in menus and filters are actual items.
If you remove a plugin, those items will remain in your menu barrel, etc.
VIDEO (Japanese)
The default language is Japanese
in config.yml
japanese: false
to English