Handle support requests, chat, commands, events and players. Easy to use and fully customizable.
Commands * Commands are shown according to permissions! Features
Block desired commands
Block all commands which contain colon
Customize displayed message of a blocked command
Clear players chat
Block players chat
Create an event and teleport to it
Permissions supersupport.default (recommended for default players) /support create Allows to create a ticket. /support chat Allows to talk in ticket chat.
supersupport.manage-tickets (recommended for staff players) /support accept Allows to accept a ticket. /support close Allows to close a ticket. /support chat Allows to talk in ticket chat. /support list Allows to see all active tickets. /support statsAllows to see a user support stats.
supersupport.close /support close Allows to close a ticket.
supersupport.announcement /announcement Allows to send a announcement to all players.
supersupport.clearchat /clearchat Allows to clear all players chat.
supersupport.blockchat /blockchat Allows to enable or disable all players chat.
supersupport.setevent /startevent Allows to create an event location. /stopevent Allows to stop the current event.
supersupport.tpevent /event Allows to teleport to an active event location.
supersupport.usecmd.<command> Access to a blocked command. supersupport.reload /supersupport reload Allows to reload the plugin.
supersupport.* Full access.
Configuration file
Code (YAML):
# +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # | | # # | SuperSupport | # # | Settings for version 1.0.5 | # # | | # # | BUG REPORTS: https://github.com/raxpux/SuperSupport/issues | # # | | # # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # prefix: "&6&lSuperSupport &7| "# deactivate with "" send-accept-ticket-message-to-admin: true
send-active-tickets-reminder-to-admin: true
# send a message to all admins about how many tickets are active admin-active-tickets-reminder-interval: 5
# duration in minutes ticket-unclaimed-expiration-time: 15
# duration in minutes ticket-claimed-expiration-time: 6
# duration in minutes (ticket will close automatically after is accepted) max-tickets: 108
inventory-name: "Ticket List"
# Next page settings page-material: "PAPER
" next-page-text: "&6Next Page &e&l
]" previous-page-text: "&6Previous Page &e&l
]" current-page-text: "&7Current Page
: &a{page}" total-pages-text: "&7Total Pages: &b{total-pages}" page-glow-effect: true
ticket-created: "&aYour ticket has been created successfully." ticket-closed: "&eYou closed this ticket." ticket-closed-by: "&cYour ticket has been closed by &l{assigned-name}&c." ticket-accepted: "&eYou accepted a new ticket. Use &6/support chat &eto discuss." ticket-assigned: "&cThis ticket is already assigned. You cannot perform actions on this ticket!" ticket-not-accepted: "&cYou don't have a accepted ticket." ticket-not-assigned: "&cYour ticket has not been assigned to any admin yet." ticket-not-active: "&cYou are not in an active ticket." ticket-accepted-by-admin: "&eYour ticket has been accepted. Use &6/support chat &eto discuss." ticket-deleted-by-admin: "&cThis ticket was deleted by an admin." ticket-not-found: "&cTicket not found." ticket-expired: "&cLeft time has expired. The ticket has been closed!" max-tickets-reached: "&cNo new tickets can be created. Wait a moment!" active-tickets-reminder: "&eThere are &6&l{active-tickets} &eactive tickets waiting to be assigned." accept-ticket: "&e&l{ticket-creator} &eopened a new ticket. &c[Click to accept this ticket!]"# assigned to 'send-active-tickets-reminder-to-admin' option invalid-ticket-id: "&cInvalid ticket ID." invalid-ticket-id-usage: "&cUsage: /support accept <ticket-id>" creator-ticket-assigned: "&eYou already have a ticket. Wait for an admin to accept." creator-not-online: "&cThe ticket creator is not online." no-active-tickets: "&cThere are no active tickets." chat-enabled: "&cChat has been enabled by &l{player}&c. Now you can write." chat-disabled: "&cChat has been disabled by &l{player}&c. You are muted." chat-cleared: "&cChat has been cleared by &l{player}&c." chat-is-disabled: "&c&lChat is disabled. You are muted!" chat-is-disabled-on-join: "&c&lChat is disabled. You can't talk right now!" admin-cleared-chat: "&cChat has been cleared by &l{player}&c." admin-cannot-use: "&cAdmins cannot make this action." admins-offline: "&cThere are no admins online." admin-ticket-assigned: "&cYou have already a ticket assigned." no-permission: "&cYou are not allowed to use that command." cooldown: "&cYou can use this command again in {cooldown-time}." player-offline: "&cThis player is offline." player-exist: "&cPlease specify a player." plugin-reloaded: "&bPlugin has been reloaded." support-chat:
usage: "&eUsage: /support chat <message>" supporter-template: "&c&lSUPPORTER &c{player} &4> &c{message}" creator-template: "&3&lCREATOR &3{player} &9> &3{message}" player-left-chat: "&c&l{player} &chas left the chat." stats: -
"&9{target-stats}'s stats:" - "&8- &6accepted tickets: &e{accepted-tickets-stats}&6, created tickets
: &e{created-tickets-stats}&6, events started
: &e{events-started-stats}" announcement:
usage: "&cUsage: /announcement <message>"
# Chat settings chat-message-enabled: true
# message will appear in chat for all online players chat-template: "&c&l(( &9Admin &6&l{player} &8> &e{message} &c&l))"# how message look
# Action bar settings: action-bar-enabled: true
# message will appear in action bar for all online players action-bar-sound-enabled: false
action-bar-template: "&c[ &9Admin &6{player} &8> &e{message} &c]"# how message look
# Bossbar settings: bossbar-enabled: true
# a bossbar with the message will spawn for all online players bossbar-sound-enabled: true
bossbar-duration: 6
# duration in seconds bossbar-template: "&9Admin &6&l{player} &8> &e{message}"# how message look bossbar-color: "BLUE"# options: BLUE, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, PURPLE, WHITE, PINK event:
usage: "&cUsage: /startevent <type>" announce-on-join: true
announce-message: "&eHere is an active event. Use &6/event &eto teleport." active: "&eEvent is already active. Use &6/event &eto teleport." inactive: "&cThere is no active event." teleported: "&eYou have been teleported to the event." started: "&7----------- &6&lEVENT STARTED &7-----------\n&eAn &6&l{event-type} &eevent type was started by &6&l{player}&e.\nUse &6&l/event &eto teleport!\n&7--------------------------------------" stopped: "&7----------- &6&lEVENT ENDED &7-----------\n&eThe current event has ended.\n&eThank you to those who participated!\n&7--------------------------------------" create-cooldown: 5
# duration in minutes (how many minutes must pass to use /startevent again) teleport-cooldown: 1
# duration in minutes (how many minutes must pass to use /event again)
# Hologram settings material: "DIAMOND" line-1: "&6&lEVENT &6{event-type}" line-2: "&eSponsored by &l{player}" line-3: "&6Have fun!" #line-4: add how many lines you want blocked-commands:
colon-allowed: true
# allow to use : in command (eg: /minecraft:help)
# Disable listed commands enabled: true
commands: # you can allow using a command with supersupport.usecmd.<command> bukkit:plugins: "&cYou are not allowed to use that command." bukkit:pl: "&cYou are not allowed to use that command." plugins: "&cYou are not allowed to use that command." pl: "&cYou are not allowed to use that command." version: "&cYou are not allowed to use that command." # eg cmd: "&aThis command can be used at another time!" commands-settings:
color: "&9" header: "&6Commands to use:"
# Messages when commands are displayed create: "&eCreate a new ticket." accept: "&eAccept a new ticket." close: "&eClose a opened ticket." chat: "&eTalk in the ticket chat." list: "&eSee all active tickets." stats: "&eSee a target stats." anno: "&eSend a announcement." clearchat: "&eClear all players chat." blockchat: "&eEnable or disable players chat." startevent: "&eStart an event." stopevent: "&eStop current event." event: "&eTeleport to an active event." reload: "&eReload the plugin." time-message:
just-now: "just now" one-min-ago: "1 min ago" mins-ago: "{mins} mins ago" one-hour-ago: "1 hour ago" hours-ago: "{hours} hours ago" one-day-ago: "1 day ago" days-ago: "{days} days ago" one-month-ago: "1 month ago" months-ago: "{months} months ago" one-year-ago: "1 year ago" years-ago: "{years} years ago" # soon: "{seconds} seconds" one-min: "1 minute" mins: "{mins} minutes" one-hour: "1 hour" hours: "{hours} hours" one-day: "1 day" days: "{days} days" one-month: "1 month" months: "{months} months" one-year: "1 year" years: "{years} years"