Simple Flight, Powerful Control
A lightweight and user-friendly flight management plugin that gives you complete control over who can fly on your server.
- Toggle flight with simple commands
- Temporary flight duration support (seconds, minutes, hours, days)
- Adjustable flight speed control
- Combat flight restrictions
- Per-world flight settings
- Permission-based access control
- Customizable prefix
- Reload configuration in-game
- No database required
- Supports Minecraft 1.13+
- Auto-update notifications
- /simplefly (/sf) - Toggle flight mode
- /simplefly <player> - Toggle flight for other players
- /simplefly <duration> - Enable temporary flight (e.g., 30s, 5m, 2h, 1d)
- /simplefly speed <1-10> - Set your flight speed
- /simplefly speed <player> <1-10> - Set another player's flight speed
- /simplefly reload - Reload plugin configuration
- /simplefly help - Show help message
- simplefly.use - Allow using flight
- simplefly.others - Allow toggling flight for others
- simplefly.duration - Allow using temporary flight
- simplefly.speed - Allow changing flight speed
- simplefly.speed.others - Allow changing others' flight speed
- simplefly.reload - Allow reloading the plugin
- simplefly.bypass.combat - Bypass combat restrictions
- simplefly.updates - Receive update notifications
- simplefly.* - All permissions
Simple configuration with:
- Customizable prefix
- Combat duration settings
- Per-world flight restrictions
- Flight state persistence
- Default flight speed
Need help? Found a bug? Have a suggestion?
Coming Soon
- Flight zones
- Particle effects
- More customization options